Just a cat. She/her

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • My reoccurring nightmare is being surrounded by a swarm of bugs. It’s usually wasps, but it can be other stuff too. It always takes place in my childhood bedroom. I always clamp my hand over my mouth because I’m afraid if I scream they’ll fly in my mouth. But I always end up screaming and they fly in my mouth and I wake up.

    I’m not sure it has a very deep meaning to be honest. When I was a kid part of my room was a finished attic that was connected to our real attic which apparently had a very bad wasp nest. Everyday during warm months I’d find one or two in my room and have to deal with them. Now that I don’t live in a place with bugs I don’t have this dream anymore.