
For all your owl related needs!

  • 933 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Which owls are you thinking of? The ones off the top of my head (Pooh, Sword in the Stone) are males.

    After doing all the research for on here, they probably should have more females, as they are the larger ones and guard the nest, and the males only special job is essentially grocery shopping. 😉

  • anon6789@lemmy.worldOPtoSuperbowl@lemmy.worldWise Owl
    2 hours ago

    I took a look at it again because reading your comment, and came to the same solution that it just be a skirt and this was a generic human shaped character of non-specific gender.

    Also agree on the shoe shape of the foot on the ground.

    I did attempt to sit the way in the cartoon with my right leg on top and found it impossible. 😆

  • In my talks with dragonfly, the only real rule is that it needs to be owl content.

    My personal feelings are that I don’t like what blurs the kind between real and fake where it can be deceptive, and ones where people show something like a cake, furniture, textiles, something that is being passed off as a real product you can buy or that they made, but it isn’t.

    AI art can be cheap, low effort content, and there is absolutely a lot of it out there. I’ve shared a few examples on here, and it’s gone about as well as what you’re seeing, so framed as a positive or negative, it doesn’t get the best reception here.

    I’ve made some things using ArtBot, and while I occasionally get lucky, writing successful prompts to get something that is actually good is not as easy as one would think if they’ve never tried to make AI art.

    I’m glad to see anyone participating here. Even after all my posting here, I feel I still have posts that I consider “failed” even if I think they’re great. I do some that break 200 upvotes that I think are pretty basic, while I have some I really like that didn’t get more than 50.

    I’ll occasionally do a thing that I think the group will like more than I do, but I ultimately post things I’ve enjoyed and think you guys will too. I feel that’s what content should be. You won’t enjoy posting if you’re posting just what others want to see. If you’re posting what you love, I get that comes through, and people will enjoy your passion as much as the content itself. That’s a lot of the feedback I’ve gotten and have seen other places. Whenever you see things like “oh I’ve never thought much about X, but the way you talk about X has really caught my interest,” I think that is what begins the feedback loop of posting.

    I don’t have any real issues with this post. I am primarily glad someone else posted something. I gave you an upvote for participating and your post is AI but not deceptive. You added a source link and made an original comment linking it to Bubo. You did everything you should.

    The crowd will react however they will, and that’s their right. I think you at least benefit from having a good clue as to why they didn’t react to this the way you expected.

    I hope this doesn’t negatively impact your overall experience here, as I like you for your regular comments and participation, and I wouldn’t want you to be discouraged.

    These are just my personal feelings, and everyone is entitled to their own. I’m not the boss of anything here, I’m just here like the rest of you.

  • I’ve been unable to find any helpful info.

    The only animal/caffeine studies I’ve found were either about it being pretty deadly to insects and mollusks, or just it being a toxin to animals in general. That didn’t rule it out to me, since pretty much anything that gives you a buzz is because it is disrupting your vital functions in some way.

    There is probably much more coffee on farms these days as opposed to wild coffee, so if coffee farmers aren’t reporting the coffee being eaten directly, or noticeably high predation of what does eat the coffee, I’m going to say it sounds like it’s not a thing. It would probably be hard to select which animals actually ate enough coffee to get an indirect caffeine jolt from, and it could work the other way as well, if they consumed something that ate more beans than the predator could handle, making them sick.

    With the dolphins chomping on the blowfish, it’s not like the fish is sometimes poison and sometimes not, so it’s simpler to figure out what to do.

    There was a test on zebrafish and rodents testing their reactions to unwanted stimuli, and it seemed to boost their reactions, but not in all cases, so effects seem to vary by species and individual. So maybe it is just a happy surprise if they eat something weird.

  • I don’t recall where they all were, but I do remember there being a string of these power station shootings for a while. It’s somewhat nice to know the reasoning behind it all now, though also more disturbing seeing how widespread it is and not just a couple of local yahoos. Both these women deserve to put away.

    My unsureness was only about the level of responsibility for Durov, though it seems some of his charges are for his complicities in allowing things like this to continue and failing to cooperate with requests to do something from authorities. It does sound like he is now cooperating to turn over any evidence he may have about crimes arranged over Telegram, so why I don’t feel this should give him a free pass, it’s good he may allow other crimes to be prevented or prosecuted.

    I don’t follow much of this news lately, as I’ve just been overwhelmed by it becoming such a regular thing, so I’ve had to catch up on all these details.