Yeah, really depends on what kind of music you listen to. I guess I’m lucky in that regard, since most artists I listen to have their music on BC ^^
Yeah, really depends on what kind of music you listen to. I guess I’m lucky in that regard, since most artists I listen to have their music on BC ^^
If you really need to download the music on your phone you could use the website. I just organise everything on my PC then copy the files over… But I agree that it would be nice to have DRM free downloads on the app
I feel I should mention Bandcamp, which gives 70% of a sale directly to the artist. In the music world that’s a lot. All DRM free and in most audio formats you could want. My process when buying music is usually: bandcamp > qobuz (or similar) > if all else fails… use other means. I’ll also skip step one and two depending on the artist :p
Guaguin is a sudoku-like puzzle game that I enjoy a ton. Instead of the usual 9-block square, this has random shapes with a number and a math operator on them. The goal is to have no repeating digits on rows/columns, and each block needs its mathematical problem to be solved. For example a block labeled 20x needs to filled so that all the numbers inside of it multiply to 20.
To see the next part of the dream - Parannoul https://youtu.be/gb9Qqt75rzg
The things we think we’re missing - Balance and Composure https://youtu.be/p7npsekc1c8
Cold visions - Bladee https://youtu.be/3PEoICa7B5A
Nope, no way. I’ve done it once as an experiment and had to jump through all the hoops. And that was when the waiting time was a week instead of a month to unlock your device. You also need a windows PC (with an Intel processor! The unlock tool didn’t work on my AMD system) plus a Xiaomi account.
So a T95, but even dumber? I love it
This one does. It’s also in the Play store
Ah, I misunderstood then, I thought the linux option still had a win key on it and that it was different in some other way. Thanks for clarifying
The linux keyboard has a Windows key?? What’s special about it then, that makes it a linux keyboard and not a windows one?
I’ll echo the rest of the comments and say Debian with docker. I use podman myself but the setup should be similar enough. I used the official Jellyfin guide from their wiki and got everything working in a day, including transcoding.
Probably a laser printer, keeping warm to be ready to print as soon as it gets a job. My laser printer (also Samsung) draws nearly 1000w after a cold start.
Sony as well
They use XDG Desktop Portal, which makes video and audio capture system level instead of application level to enhance security. When a program wants to record your screen you get a pop up to choose which screen/window to share. After that the app can only see that window or screen.
Alright, I’ll keep that in mind. I guess what I’ll do is: see it works OOTB -> try digi-mend -> try OTD -> return tablet. Thank you for the insight ^^
Oh could be. For reference the driver is OpenTabletDriver, in case anyone who comes across this post needs it
I checked out the driver mentioned in the other comment and since they list that tablet as supported I marked the post as solved. I ordered the drawing tablet yesterday, when it arrives I’ll update the post in case it works out of the box or it needs another driver :)
Oh, I didn’t know about this one. Seems to be supported. Thanks!
Check if bpm-power.com ships to your location, depending on the item they have decent prices. Based in Italy
This was in the related articles: https://www.tomshardware.com/peripherals/printers/brother-denies-firmware-blocks-third-party-toner-and-ink-use
And I believe them. The reddit post in Rossman’s video was 3 years old. I have personally installed and updated 5 Brother printers in the last year and they all still run on 3rd-party toner.