Not exactly the same playbook. Hitler was much younger when he tried his coup. And I don’t think Trump is writing any manifestos, unless he gets put in the same cell with his ghost writer.
If Trump goes to prison, he’s old enough that he will likely die there, even with a shortish sentence. And there’s a chance that a smarter buffoon takes over the party, but did you see the clown show last night? I doubt any of those has what it takes.
Trump is not the next Hitler, no matter how badly he wants to be. My fear is that the next Hitler is just around the corner, and uses the Trump playbook to come to power.
I’m really hoping his cult of personality dies with him. (Or tries to glom on to Junior, who lacks, well, everything required to make him an effective populist leader).
Of all the people in the Trump orbit, I am most afraid of Jared. He seems to have been smart enough to avoid getting stuck in any of his father-in-law’s messes. And he is way, way too close to dictators abroad. I don’t think he wants to actually insert himself into politics. But he could end up being the one that finances the next attempt a dictatorship in the US.