Founder of, now busy with other projects :)
Do you receive enough to make a living improving voyager?
Open source (nor foss) doesn’t really assure protection from the capital and/or consumerism…
On the other hand, making an ambitious game takes money and markets rarely pay for fully open projects
yep, hence why imo is better to not be fully open from day 0. The free software movement reached his peak, now it’s time to evolve into something better. A software made by squeezing the open libraries and then the devs and then the consumers to then have most of the earnings kept in the company bank to get numbers going up for the capital is totally doable even while having the most free license.
As you say tho, it can help with accessibility and longevity.
I just would like to not see ‘‘solarpunk99’’ in some years made in the worst possible way. I’d rather have toxic games but made in a solarpunk way than ‘‘solarpunk’’ games made by the capital to sell us another commodified idea
idk if ‘‘should’’ but if they do would be nice
hardware shouldn’t become ‘‘old’’ in the first place, putting the heavy weight on the game devs solely seems unlikely to bring change
software libraries, frameworks, game engines, operating systems, recycling hardware… It’s a lot before arriving to the people that wanna focus on the game
I think we should write more about solarpunk itself so I’m glad for your post, thank you
Said that, I would have added at least one disclaimer about solarpunk games intended as games produced in a more solarpunk way: stuff like no DRM, avoiding dark patterns, being a cooperative or being owned by a foundation and much more.
Let me underline the “just a disclaimer”, I know you wanted to focus on the content and what I said would need basically another full post
Again, love your initiative and I hope more people will follow you 🙏
Try to be informed about the stuff you can have an impact on
For example on my rss feed I just wiped out most of the non EU stuff. It’s ok to know that there are wildfires somewhere in the world but being overexposed is really just toxic
I can organize here in Italy, not even the whole of it but my region and the cities I spend time in. It’s much better to know what my little city council is discussing about rather than any even major event but so far from me.
Unluckily, social media doesn’t help too much with curating the feeds but as others said try to work more on mutes and filters. Don’t forget that getting informed is just one tool for change, do not get too high on it :)
Edit and P.S. : it’s also much easier that on social networks driven by engagement algorithms the posts that travel the most are the ones that cause hate/rage and sex or generally emotions easier to exploit online. Newspapers themselves tend to post more negative stuff. It’s just a human bias, take it into account and watch around yourself to find the positive stuff of life
Just avoid following climate and collapse x)
I myself do not follow them lol
Thank you for taking your time to answer for me!
yes, hence why i used a dot before it. i guess it’s not clear and i should edit
tell me if it’s better now :)
After the API exodus sure got worse but I don’t see much difference from the reddit-before-that
Also, there are still a looot of power users still on reddit. So yes quality got worse there but it’s not like the bests came here anyway
Sad tho.
“Random” events of “evil”. Basically I think we’ll never reach something like 0 murders, 0 rapes, 0 stealing for little greed and so on. Or even 0 addiction (edit: i’m not including addiction to the previous list of crimes, i wanted to add it as another class of issues for we will never reach a true 0)
We are very very far from the ideal situation tho, there is a looot of margin of improvement
Like your alcohol thing in the post: ban only makes it worse and still now you (as US, not you OP) have a very weird relationship with alcohol with the thing that minors cannot touch it and people have to drink from a paper bag lol. Let’s say that you are not really trying hard to improve the situation. We’ll never reach 0 alcoholists but society is not in a good shape and alcohol is cheap so ye
I’m not sure I’m explaining myself well enough.
That was my point since the beginning and you are not the first one repeating it lol
Free as in freedom not just as in beer
And paying for distribution is not the same as paying for the software…
No, because I cannot compile stuff
Exactly why I said it’s easier to have people paying on iOS for foss
There are no apk to just avoid stores
It’s actually “easier” to sustain a FOSS app on Apple for this reason
You put a price tag to the client/app and there it is a business model without relying on donation, because the user cannot sideload without being a dev :)
Sorry but how is it ghosting? You tried more and more to contact him and he didn’t answer? Because if no one contacts the other is just idk end of something not ghosting lol
You wanna talk with him about this stuff? Do it!
And don’t put on him all the “immature” or “receiving side” stuff, you are the one clearly into him but still going around and around never being direct…
You can do it! 🤜🤛
B-Corp. But as long as they don’t show any kind of sustainable business model compared to their costs, ye the result doesn’t differ much
The map on the meme is fake both ways
Anyway, where did you get the numbers? I’m interested
Maybe it’s sharing public keys in person time again
Honestly i’d like something that focuses on this rather than trying once again to be WhatsApp/telegram but secure
The police already can easily know my irl social circle but I still don’t want to let them know when and why I talk to them
Simplex was in a good direction then they took vc money while having startup status and they are aiming to replace other messengers
Yes we need a sequel with giga chad only using paper, aluminum and glass
(Yes yes except for hospitals)
yep, mine u.u (sory for the 10MB lol)