@bayport No worries! The top 2 legal requirements for an LLC are 1) LLC isn’t doing something illegal, and 2) it is a profit-seeking business and not a hobby (+ permits, etc…)
And, the IRS of course doesn’t look favorably on money losing businesses that are deducting obviously personal assets.
However, theATL.social is an OpEx only business - no assets current or planned. There is IP/branding, but that isn’t relevant to any accounting in this situation.
@genebean @r @atlantanews Thank you for the shoutout!
Indeed, theATL.social is a local instance focused on bringing people and topics together regarding the Greater #Atlanta region.
We are looking to re-establish the community that was lost when the bird side went away. So far we have a great community of users - and we’re engaging in our first big publicity push this Spring!