a pathetic creature of meat and bone
dont drink the corn syrup the un wants you to drink it they put something in it dont trust them
inb4 java edition becomes unplayable on older systems even with render distance set to lowest
someone got oculus software to work through wine with access to hardware a while ago and they’re working on something called Oculus Ameliorated which might be simpler to get working
you can get a used rift cv1 or a vive for around 200 USD
i think with digital technology manufacturing quality not matter as much so everyone get cheap chinese shit
epic drinkin game: take a shot every time you see this image
can it play tetris
spy’s revolver doesn’t hit anything because of random spread
trump is chosen by god to destroy america
i think microsoft purged their forums or something because most of the search results seem to redirect to homepage now
i hate discord so much my first discord account got permabanned because the owner of a server i was in went nuts and doxxed 8 year olds and my second account i got locked out for a year because they thought i was a bot and i couldnt use my phone number to verify because it was already in use on my first account then when i finally got in it had a 6 month ban because a server i was in got raided by racists that said slurs
what the fuck is tubearchivist