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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2024


  • Yep, the clarification doesnā€™t really clarify anything. If theyā€™re unable to write their terms of service in a way that a layperson in legal matters can understand the intended meaning, thatā€™s a problem. And itā€™s impossible for me to know whether their ā€œclarificationā€ is true or not. Sorry, Mozilla, youā€™ve made too many bad decisions already in the recent years, I donā€™t simply trust your word anymore. And, why didnā€™t they clarify it in the terms of service text itself?

    That they published the ToS like that and nobody vetoed it internally, thatā€™s a big problem too. I mean, did they expect people to not be shocked by what it says? Or did they expect nobody would read it?

    Anyway, switching to LibreWolf on all machines now.

  • Sigh. Not long ago I switched from Vivaldi back to Firefox because it has better privacy-related add-ons. Since a while ago, on one machine as a test, Iā€™ve been using LibreWolf, after I went down the rabbit hole of ā€œhow do I configure Firefox for privacy, including that it doesnā€™t send stuff to Mozillaā€ and was appalled how difficult that is. Now with this latest bullshit from Mozillaā€¦ guess Iā€™ll switch everything over to LibreWolf now, or go back to Vivaldiā€¦

    Really hope theyā€™ll leave Thunderbird alone with such crapā€¦

    I often wish I could just give up on web browsers entirely, but unfortunately thatā€™s not practical.

  • Thanks for adding the extra context! As I said, I donā€™t have the necessary level of knowledge in physics (and also in cryptography) to have an informed opinion on these matters, so this is helpful. (Iā€™ve wanted to get deeper in both topics for a long time, but life and everything has so far not allowed for it.)

    About your last paragraph, do you by chance have any interesting links on ā€œcriticism of the criticism of string theoryā€? I wonder, because I have heard the argument ā€œstring theory is non-falsifiable and weird, but itā€™s pushed over competing theories by entrenched peopleā€ several times already over the years. Now I wonder, is that actually a serious position or just conspiracy/crank stuff?

  • Comparing quantum computing to time machines or faster-than-light travel is unfair.

    I didnā€™t interpret the slides as an attack on quantum computing per se, but rather an attack on over-enthusiastic assertions of its near-future implications. If the likelihood of near-future QC breaking real-world cryptography is so extremely low, itā€™s IMO okay to make a point by comparing it to things which are (probably) impossible. Itā€™s an exaggeration of course, and as you point out the analogy isnā€™t correct in that way, but I still think it makes a good point.

    What I find insightful about the comparison is that it puts the finger on a particular brain worm of the tech world: the unshakeable belief that every technical development will grow exponentially in its capabilities. So as soon as the most basic version of something is possible, it is believed that the most advanced forms of it will follow soon after. I think this belief was created because itā€™s what actually happened with semiconductors, and of course the bold (in its day) prediction that was Mooreā€™s law, and then later again, the growth of the internet.

    And now this thinking is applied to everything all the time, including quantum computers (and, as I pointed to in my earlier post, AI), driven by hype, by FOMO, by the fear of ā€œthis time I donā€™t want to be among those who didnā€™t recognize it earlyā€. But there is no inherent reason why a development should necessarily follow such a trajectory. That doesnā€™t mean of course that itā€™s impossible or wonā€™t get there eventually, just that it may take much more time.

    So in that line of thought, I think itā€™s ok to say ā€œhey look everyone, we have very real actual problems in cryptography that need solving right now, and on the other hand hereā€™s the actual state and development of QC which youā€™re all worrying about, but that stuff is so far away you might just as well worry about time machines, so please letā€™s focus more on the actual problems of today.ā€ (thatā€™s at least how I interpret the presentation).