Gut reaction answer: yes, but it means I will hate summer due to having the fur. But being able to become that goofy girl full time without needing padding, that is a win for me.
Gut reaction answer: yes, but it means I will hate summer due to having the fur. But being able to become that goofy girl full time without needing padding, that is a win for me.
My first choices would be Speed Racer and Star Blazers, but those were syndicated cartoons shown on weekdays after school. It is hard to remember any actual Saturday morning cartoon that I liked as much.
I do not count Looney Toons since those were originally shown in theaters. And I am not counting the live action series that also were shown on Saturday morning.
I guess Superfriends counts here since it was originally just on Saturday mornings for early seasons before going syndicated in later seasons.
That is very true. I assume that the person’s (or funsona’s) gender identity is in line with how they are presenting, at least when at a con. But there are plenty of people who do not do this, and I am making a bad asumption. I guess it was drilled into my head too much “use the pronouns for how the person is presenting, use they/them when unsure”.
Thanks for providing the alternate way to get notifications for when the service is down
Yes, I read the first three as they came out, and the follow-up trilogy about the Twins. I lost track of things shortly after that due to Life Being Busy and losing mot of my time to read non-work stuff, plus getting active on social media. I still have a few of the old short story books in storage, one day I want to read them (Rastlin has a daughter?!)
I can get 5 out of 9: Winzip, winamp (still use it), Netscape, AOL, and mirc (still use it).
NO!! Greymuzzle should not start before 40 or 45. Below that is not old enough.
I did not discover this fandom until I found alt.fan.furry newsgroup in 1990 or 1991. And at the time, I only knew of it for posting artwork or talking about furry comics. I had no knowledge at the time of furry cons. Had I known about the cons as well, I may have gotten into the fandom personally much sooner, before life got Too Busy. I also was unaware of FurryMuck, that would have been a wonderful thing for me to have joined and been active on. So all of my furry fandom time in the 90’s and 2000’s was just the newsgroups (until ISPs stopped carrying them and the dedicates furry newsservers like Critter shut down).
No bingo for me, but I have one or two things on every row. Some of the furry comics I am aware of but never owned any issues of.
My fursona was never trans, but she does present androgenous a lot of time, mostly because I can’t get the right feminine shape for her all of the time. Phantom is a partial suit, so there is no bodysuit to pad out. I have started using kigurami padding to get my shape better, so that is helping. So I guess my fursona is genderflux since the degree of her femininity is constantly changing based on what I have with me for presentation.
Currently I use small breast forms combined with loose shirts so they are not obvious. This was easier before I lost a lot of weight over the last four years, so I no longer have the big belly to make the forms look proportional. When home alone, I wear bigger forms all the time, which really helps.
I have also started shaving my arms since the body hair is one of my dysphoria triggers. No one has said anything about my arms so far, so I plan to keep up with weekly shaves of them using a rotary razor. They do not need to be smooth, just not obviously covered by hair.
My very first fursona was a male skunk who did cosplay. I didn’t think much about it, I was creating a character for an online chat program. My egg had not fully cracked at the time, and I didn’t use that fursona much (didn’t really have time to use the chat program in the end).
My next (current) fursona keeps alternating between female and genderfluid. I am still having problems getting her presentation right, and a lot of people I know see it as a male character when I am not using shape padding. I think once I can start presenting how I want to in mundane life, people will start seeing my fursona the way I want her to be perceived. It does not help that my head is not overly feminine, it is more toony nuetral, which is percieved as male by default. The best I may get for it is androgenous.
For me, being furry and being trans were two different, separate things at first. As I discovered my inability to tolerate make-up, the ability to wear a fursuit head become really important for my gender presentation.
I tried to do Animegao kigurumi at first, but it was not for me, I did not want to be an anime girl. Although some tricks I learned from it are helping me with body shaping for my furry presentation since I do partials instead of full suits.
So in the end, being furry and being trans are separate for me, but being furry is helping me present better as trans.
Downtime is better than data loss. It was the right decission to make.