Oh, I already have Linux on my laptop. It’s my desktop that still has some blockers preventing a full Linux transition.
Primarily the Pimax headset. Once I get a suitable replacement, I’ll actually be able to start testing and transferring stuff.
Oh, I already have Linux on my laptop. It’s my desktop that still has some blockers preventing a full Linux transition.
Primarily the Pimax headset. Once I get a suitable replacement, I’ll actually be able to start testing and transferring stuff.
Or better yet, windows 10 LTSC. Which will be supported for another 2 years. 4 if you subsequently switch the product key to the IOT LTSC version.
Pimax. Fantastic FOV, but wide and clunky, and the rest is just meh.
Wait, fiber optic drone? How does that work?
Last time I worked with fiber cables, I had to be very careful not to bend them too sharply, or I’d have to redo the entire office run.
Fortunately, steam can have a lower priority on switching due to it being privately owned. No stocks, no shareholders, and no ‘number must infinitely go up’ bullshit.
Still, got my fingers crossed that gog can use this to grow and become the first equal competitor to steam. No, epic doesn’t count, they have publicly traded stock.
Unfortunately, my vr headset requires a piece of middleware that is not Linux compatible. But, by the time 10 LTSC reaches end of life, Deckard should be available for purchase.
Also, I’ll need to re-pirate substance painter for avatar work, as GenP doesn’t do Linux either.
Well that’s a problem for future us.
Present us can poke fun, have a laugh, and maybe even turn it into an Abbott and Costello joke.
I’ll be a silly little gremlin and name the people on those streets then.
You’ve got Who’s house on first, What’s on second, and I Dunno’s on third.
If I ever go to DC, I’m buying a tomato to hurl at either of those bozos.
Sure, there’s a non-zero chance of being shot at, and a bigger chance of being flat-out arrested, but the news coverage will be legendary.
“But fElon, why exactly did the truck catch fire?”
“Well, a pebble hit it.”
“A pebble hit it?”
“A pebble hit the battery.”
“Is that unusual?”
“Oh yeah. A pebble? On the road? Chance in a million!”
No that’s fine, they can remain separate. I’m looking for the ability to combine them client-side.
UPDATE: Found a github ticket requesting it, but I don’t believe it’s been implemented.
We should probably deal with the fragmentation before it becomes a bigger problem.
Does lemmy have an equivalent to multi-reddits, and more importantly, do they collate across instances?
The political equivalent of grade school bullying. It even has the exact same consequences for your reputation, except now it’s global instead of being limited to that school building.
But that would interrupt our coffee supply and–
Actually, never mind. Do it.
Sign them up for pornhub and xhamster accounts too.
Okay, and? I fail to see the part where another country’s welfare is your problem, Israel.
Also, obesity is no justification for dropping bombs on their food reserves. Otherwise every Walmart in the US would be a bombed out crater.
My primary and backup yubikeys: “Am I a joke to you?”
Keep in mind, the ALQ-131 is several generations behind. The F-16 also supports the ALQ-184, and even that is planned to be superseded by the ALQ-257.
And it still pwns Russian munitions with ease.
Where in the world did you hear that? Every source on this cites Elon and his extremist Nazi beliefs as a core reason.