¡Patria o muerte!

  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2022


  • Then it is even more futile and unrelated, if this is about the thing they are doing now, it would make no sense as something the world should care about. Imagine if I were to post “Police in Ecuador is blocking the way to some tourist place”.

    It’s CPC, not CCP. I love how you say, they are wrong, but the US isn’t perfect, like, China is worse, yet in the last hundred years I could literally create a wiki only about US atrocities and China has an all in all pacific history, but they are the ones that need to be converted and purified by liberal bourgeois democracy, and the US just needs to do a tiny bit better.

  • I’m not saying there can’t be news about China, what I’m saying, and I’ve seen this a multitude of times, is that there is something that Usonians and Europeans do a lot, is that they post news about their countries as if they would be the world. In my book “World News” means something the entire world should care about, not just the Anglosphere and Europe, the description seems just a silly thing to put as a placeholder, at least that’s how it has always worked in this community, news that the entire world cares about. It is a good rule that something global would involve at least 2 countries, or some event that it is really worth mentioning, like a natural disaster in some country, etc.

    The post you mentioned, as you see, involves two countries, Argentina and China in joint cooperation as how they are going to go around doing trade and commerce. I’m sure that if you look a bit you’ll see a post I did a long ago where I talked about this issue and proposed some rule so that actual World News would be posted, since there the same always happens where Usonians post stuff like “Some US state does something”, and that’s most definitely not world news. I don’t have any issue with you posting news that contain a pro-Western imperialist point of view, I will not report those, I may debate with you on the comments but that’s it. But this is by no means a world news scenario, as I mentioned, if the world would start shit posting every day would be memorial day to remember atrocities committed by your own government on your own people, and there is plenty.

    You don’t need to say the literal words to mean something. By adhering to the Western narrative and highlighting a very specific and not so big of a history event (compared to for example the bombing of Laos, the most bombed country on Earth by the US government), you are actively contributing to the image of the US and its lapdogs as good guys, and the Global South as some kind of sub-humans who commit atrocities, while the reality is that countries that struggle due to first world imperialism will always end up in bad situations.

  • There’s a really big chance that Milei wins, I’m so scared, specially when we could be doing so good with current global trends. If Cambiemos or the Kirchnerists win, we will stay on a relatively good path (better with the Ks, although I doubt they’ll win since they are currently in office).

    Milei has said shit like he will stop trading with China, for example, which is simply unfeasible since we sell most of our agrarian goods to them, our economy depends on that.

  • For starters, the size of the military, Korea has a total of 7,769,000 personnel in the army, while the US has 2,072,950. US naval force is not that relevant here since the most vulnerable attack for that would be in the South, which is where it’s most connected to the sea, and the air force has been proven to not be that effective against guerrilla warfare, you need to use an insane amount of ammunition like they did in Laos.

    China will probably not participate, but it won’t allow US navy ships next to its shores, and if you think Russia, Iran, Syria and some other countries will not help NK you are delirious. Simply by the number of soldiers NK can win a war of attrition.