You are absolutely right. I guess Pearl Jam came to mind as it is a euphemism for, well, the result of gooning.
Only Bayes Can Judge Me
You are absolutely right. I guess Pearl Jam came to mind as it is a euphemism for, well, the result of gooning.
Haha. Feminine whiles
Batcave -> Batman. Goon cave -> Goon man? His theme song is Spoonman by pearl jam but it’s Goonman.
IDK why but my headcanon is that this fellow is into some kind of niche erotic roleplay. Like it’s based on one particular afternoon where he went to watch a college football game. He’s poured tolkien-esque amounts of prose into the prompt describing all the sensations he felt that day. If you took that prompt it would fit in a bucolic, modern, Great American Novel. When he chats with this bot, an outsider wouldn’t be able to tell that any of it was overtly sexual, as if he was flirting with his robot in a private language. Then one day the bot just stops reciprocating due to content restrictions and he’s locked out from this world entirely. Is this what writing for black mirror is like?
The men that want a big ol’ sexbot for sure do not change their sheets.
Pearson predicted the sexbots would have “very high levels of AI.”
I’m just going to assume that this Pearson fellow believes that “AI” will happen and will have sentience and all that jazz, which has pretty bad philosophical implications.
I almost forgot how exhausting TW was.
A redpiller, who thinks he is entitled to sex, is refused erotic content by a bunch of if statements? Delectable. I want to mainline this sensation.
The pundits in question are Derek Thompson and Ezra Klein. More accurately speaking they are liberals.
Dems do literally anything to materially oppose fascism, even in the most minuscule way challenge (impossible)
I wouldn’t describe them [Border Patrol] as nationalistic
What exactly is the role of border patrol if not to literally enforce nationalism
Nicole was a bot? I need to make some phone calls… (jk)
Brings to mind the sopranos scene of the two dudes trying to shake down a starbucks or starbucks analogue for protection money
Thanks! I hadn’t checked in to see their reply before it was deleted, so I rooted around the modlog and surprise surprise, transphobia!
So close! The correct answer was: “Got it, thanks. Yikes, those people at the fruit site.”
Is it that you can’t read, or won’t?
Tbh, weird. If I were a hyper-capitalist, CA-based CEO, I would take the burner phone as an insult. I’d see it as a lack of faith in the capture of the US. Who needs plausible deniability when you just own the fucking country?
This deserves its own thread, pettily picking apart niche posts is exactly the kind of dopamine source we crave