He only respects the right to his property.
He only respects the right to his property.
It also breaks a bunch of mods. So that’s cool.
Nah, she murdered all but one runner and the photographer
I can’t wait to go to my old high school’s student art show and throw soup on alllllll the art! You know, because food.
I was laid off from my small warehouse job because the company wasn’t making enough money. The next month my boss took his family on an African safari. Eat the rich.
I couldn’t agree more. I’m so sick of the projection from the right. Just because you’re a disgusting pervert doesn’t mean everyone else is!
Yep. It’s there for me on the Android app.
Small SBCs and keyboard/remote combos. That’s what we do.
Edit: I think I replied to the wrong person.
I think it only counts if it happens before they are born /s
Absolutely. Negligent parents should be held accountable.
Yeah. I was on around that time too. I have no idea why I spent so much time there but I’m honestly surprised I turned out okay. Not even a little desensitized… I don’t think.
Top right is Beyond Belief Fact or Fiction “we made it up” guy.
They did. It used to be available on oddworx.com.
A little of column A, and a little of column B.
Iggy Pop looks better than I remember.
Yeah. Me too. I have a copy of To Russell that I got from my grandmother before she passed. This was all before anyone knew about his rapey tendencies but I don’t have the heart to get rid of it as it’s one of the only things I have of hers.
It sure did