I just deleted my EA account due to the fuckery with their anticheats breaking proton. Hope to see every game from them get modded like this.
I just deleted my EA account due to the fuckery with their anticheats breaking proton. Hope to see every game from them get modded like this.
world is collapsing
must be that damn phone
Yeah im trying my damnest but this state is meant to keep people poor.
Hate my state.
I went from Nova > Lawnchair Beta > Smart Launcher and its been amazing. Subscription based but I bought the lifetime version for $20 cause its that good. Lawnchair is basically MIA and Nova sold out to advertising/tracking.
Not sure if Smart Launcher is okay in that aspect but it is packed with features and still being updated. All the options outside of these three arent good imo and I would rather use stock.
Qt all the way. Funny thing is that if you choose to use GTK on Qt it looks decent but god forbid you use Qt on MacOS Gnome you have a terribad experience.
Arizona. I plan on evacuating California too and Arizona is the most decent close place I have looked into. Vegas has already become too expensive unfortunately.
The thing that everyone complains and deters it for is the heat. We have had heat in California thats in the upper 90s before and I survived so I will take my chances. Good luck escaping California.
Dont forget to mention getting unrelated shorts shoved down your throat everywhere. I seriously deleted my decade old youtube channel over this. Fuck Google.
Another vouch for Xournal++ here. Never in my life have I been so frustrated with software until I was asked to sign a pdf. I also learned this is the entire reason Docusign was created.
Forget editing any wording yourself either unless you want to spend forever fixing the formatting. The ultimate software as a service is paying to edit a fucking document. When I found Xournal it was like finding gold in the ocean as it was seriously the only decent option on Linux.
Deezer is still great because you can upload personal music to your account and I find they have alot more music available than every other service Ive tried.
Not to mention they pay the artists better and hifi is automatically included too so. I went from Spotify > YT Music > Deezer and I am very happy. The UI is not as bad as everyone makes it, imo the icons are just a little uglier in some places thats it.
Lmao just another thing Linux does better anyway.
Poncho is cooler and you get to use your arms still
Oh damn yeah it must not be available in your country right now sorry. I just assumed if it was available for us mericans it would be for everyone else :(
I would get a brand new headset from valve if I were you cause its going to be worth more to sell all of your stuff as a complete set in the future if you need to vs an old vive with that stuff.
Would only cost you a hundred more than you bought the used one for and its worth it cause Index is still the best VR experience you can get at the moment imo.
Brodie and Mutahar still kicking on Odyssey
Listen, ill be real with you, its basically unusable and unreliable in most scenarios. The technical reason for this is due to Wayland vs X11 and other underdeveloped display technology. Normal gaming just got good enough after years of work. And before anyone tells me that the Index does work on Linux, it sure does just not well at all.
I have since sold my Index but when I used it, 80% of it was on windows. Be on the lookout for something called the Valve Deckard. I believe thats when Linux VR will finally be ready.
Im with Kagi on this. Wtf is wrong with someone sending you emails to an email you decided to make public. This person is projecting how fragile their argument is by reacting this way.
Vlad was doing the right thing discussing it in private first before they probably address this stupid attempt at causing drama. I read all of the shit they posted and it sounds to me like they are nitpicking/strawmanning AI features which are very VERY optional.