Donald Trump is trying to brush off the fact that he shared A.I.-generated images of Taylor Swift endorsing his campaign to his Truth Social account earlier this week, now claiming that he doesn’t know “anything about them.”

  • @KoboldCoterie
    1920 days ago

    Either way, those pictures have a very high likelihood of causing reputational (and, by extension, financial) harm by alienating a chunk of her fan base who may think she endorses his viewpoints. Especially when paired with his post implying she endorsed him.

    I bet she could even argue that him forcing her to take a position publicly against him also constitutes financial harm, because of the possibility of it alienating any of her fans that were Trump supporters.

      720 days ago

      Right. He basically put her into a situation where whichever side she chose, she loses. It’s one of the reasons she’s never gotten involved publicly in politics. She’s smart enough to know that she’ll alienate a portion of her fans no matter which side she chooses, so as far as I can tell she preferred to just stay out of the whole thing and make all the fucking money.

      And that’s not a bad thing. Not every celebrity has to be a political activist, and people who go to any concert are looking to have a fun time, not attend a really loud political rally. And her position in all of this is to give a whole bunch of young people a place to go and shut their brains off for a night.

        1820 days ago

        And that’s not a bad thing.

        Counter argument: sometimes doing nothing is allowing evil to prevail.

        Also “I just wanna shut my brain off and have fun without POLITICS” is not really a moral high ground. Many people can’t avoid politics.

          120 days ago

          Also “I just wanna shut my brain off and have fun without POLITICS” is not really a moral high ground. Many people can’t avoid politics.

          May I suggest stepping outside for a while. Unless you’re actually involved in the job, a level of obsession to the point where you can’t enjoy a night out without getting politics involved is unhealthy.

            520 days ago

            I think you missed my point or I communicated badly. If you are, for example, queer, being outside with your partner is considered political