E: Da Rules

  • The teleportation can only be used to move you.

  • Your clothes and basic personal items (the things you take with you everytime you leave the house) will teleport with you, but nothing else.

  • Mossy Feathers (She/They)
    3 months ago

    Can the teleporter interpret intent, and will it take anything I’m currently carrying (like a backpack)? If so, then I’d probably take some time to figure out where I’d like to go (terrestrial or extraterrestrial, inhabited/life complexity, technology level, species appearance (if alien), government style, beliefs, etc) and then have the teleporter send me to the place that most closely matches my vision.

    If not, then idk. I’d consider teleporting myself near the event horizon of a black hole, but I’d probably get vaporized the moment I teleported if it didn’t come with some kinda invulnerable safety field.