I only have the free insurance from the state and while the health insurance is excellent and covers every single thing I can think of, the dental side sucks major balls. Getting wisdom teeth removed is considered cosmetic (by the insurance provider), so they won’t cover it at all, and pretty much any good dentist is expensive as fuck for anything but a cleaning or cavity fill without insurance.
My employer uses Cigna and with them it’s $1,300. They keep asking what my pain level is and I keep telling them none. When I explain to them why I’m not getting the surgery yet they seemed absolutely baffled for some reason. They tried to get me to sign up for a medical credit card offering zero APR. I told them does zero APR mean also $0 a month, because that’s about how much I can afford. And again they acted like not moving mountains and stirring the oceans was a me thing. Absolutely fucking wild.
I only have the free insurance from the state and while the health insurance is excellent and covers every single thing I can think of, the dental side sucks major balls. Getting wisdom teeth removed is considered cosmetic (by the insurance provider), so they won’t cover it at all, and pretty much any good dentist is expensive as fuck for anything but a cleaning or cavity fill without insurance.
My employer uses Cigna and with them it’s $1,300. They keep asking what my pain level is and I keep telling them none. When I explain to them why I’m not getting the surgery yet they seemed absolutely baffled for some reason. They tried to get me to sign up for a medical credit card offering zero APR. I told them does zero APR mean also $0 a month, because that’s about how much I can afford. And again they acted like not moving mountains and stirring the oceans was a me thing. Absolutely fucking wild.
See if you can get it done under medical