• SavvyWolf
    610 months ago

    I was reading a thread on the Beehaw gaming community and was honestly surprised at the number of people who basically said that any Steam Deck alternarive that used Windows wasn’t worth buying. Valve is frighteningly close to actually disrupting Microsoft’s monopoly.

    I recently added my Windows Steam libtary to Linux, and was surprised at how Baulder’s gate just mostly… Worked. I’ve been running on the rule of thumb that 3D games don’t run through wine, so it’s a shock that a modern game with all the bells and whistles just runs fine and with mostly parity with Windows.

    The only reason I’ve not switched back to Linux for gaming is because for some reason I’m getting quite bad microstuttering with X11+Cinnamon which I’ve not been able to track down…

    • Confetti Camouflage
      110 months ago

      I’m kind of curious where you got the notion that wine couldn’t play 3d games? I can only imagine it coming from wine not having good DirectX11 support for a time until DXVK.

      • SavvyWolf
        210 months ago

        Yep, it’s from back in the day before Proton, where Dx10 support was spotty at best. I know it probably wasn’t as simple as “3D = broken, 2D = fine”, but I think generally 3D games tended to use more exotic Dx10 features.