Important Update

We’re going to be setting up a fork to maintain some separation, add additional features, and remove references due to raised concerns.

So, we will not be changing software, and will be continuing business as usual.

We’ve forked the repositories and they can be found at these URLs: and

You can follow the instructions at for setting up a local development environment.

[ original post continues ]

Hey everyone!

We received feedback that raised concerns regarding the apparent moderation and censorship issues around, and allegations made by Feditips about the Lemmy developers.

We’d appreciate some feedback from users of our community (users here, or on the Fediverse),, and

As it stands, we have defederated from one of the more prominent problematic instances,, but haven’t taken any action against

So the question stands: Should we continue running Lemmy, or swap to an alternative?

The currently considered alternative would be (example instance: which shares being a FOSS project with full ActivityPub support.

If we continue to run Lemmy, we wouldn’t be opposed to having a forked version that removes certain elements from the UI, such as the donate icon, but, we would require community assistance to maintain this fork.


  • Kye Fox
    71 year ago

    Mastodon combability is a biggie. I can directly attribute lots of participation and even new accounts to me boosting posts I made on here on my Mastodon account.

    The Reddit exodus is likely to bring lots of people with good ideas and skills, just as the various exoduses did for Mastodon. It’s how we got stuff like Glitch and Pleroma. I favor sticking with what we have for now until there’s a clearer path forward.