I used to play Elite: Dangerous quite a bit. I liked exploring the best - most of my 2+ billion credits came from exploration data.

  • Wahots
    2 years ago

    It’s a 1:1 scale version of the milky way about 1,300 years in the future. It’s a ton of fun to play with friends, though it has a bit of a learning curve. Lots to do. I don’t usually play games like it, but put well over 1,000 hours into it. It’s one of those “so good it will permanently ruin other flying games for you” type games though.

    You can even launch fighter jets out of your main ship that you can control. Has insanely cool weapons like missiles thet take random paths to avoid phalanx style AA guns on ships, railguns the size of VW bugs, direct energy/laser weapons to ablate shields, and aircraft carriers the size of 4 burj Khalifas stacked end to end, which can be leased by players (all in game, you can’t buy the currency)

    Also two type of mining, fighting aliens, deep exploration, and awesome co-op, even in flying formations or in your ship controlling your guns or fighters.