• @JdW@lemmy.world
    61 year ago

    Create guides for boomers

    lol. Babyboomers and Gen X invented and built the internet. We programmed VCR’s and could navigate dial-up settings for v90modems. Maybe write a guide for gen Z, as anything more complex than a swipe is too much technology for them XD

      • @JdW@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        Do you think boomers were born knowing how to program VCR’s No, they used gen X for that, but seeing as you folks are too ignorant to know the difference between them I thought I’d summarize. To appeal to your attention span…

      • @zombuey@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        This is so true, computer skills are in mass decline teachers are getting kids with no wxperience at all they just use tablets and phones. I had 3 kids in one of my college computer engineering classes who only used tablets. I have no idea how that even worked.

    • @p00n@lemmy.world
      61 year ago

      I feel there’s more nuance to this and this is an inaccurate and disingenuous generalisation.

      A very small portion of baby boomers and gen x were involved in this compared to the masses who simply exist as sheep.

      The “enlightened” ones are a minority in every generation from what I can see.

      I also feel this whole my generation > your generation is just another mechanism of segregation. Instead let us bring forth our collective knowledge of setting VCR times and laugh about getting to the last floppy/stiffy disk in a set and finding corruption because… magnets.

      • @Andy_Memnon@lemmy.world
        01 year ago

        Yeah I dont understand why the whole generational thing has become so heated. People like to cheer for their own team I guess. If we all stopped arguing about who has better technical skills/life skills and focused on the deeply manipulative class warfare being waged on us by corrupt and powerful entities we might all have a comfortable enough life to not have to argue about who has more technical/life skills.

    • @DrTeeth@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Heck, genXers are the only generation who can set the clock on a VCR. A skill now lost to time and technology.

      • @HoagieBoy@lemmy.world
        41 year ago

        Some of us VCR clock-setters are on Lemmy already due to the combination of us loving playing with tech and the attitude of “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me”. I’ve seen the fall of the original BBSs, Prodigy, Compuserve, AOL, Geocities, MySpace, Yahoo, Digg, Facebook, and here I sit watching Reddit’s behavior with a bag of popcorn. If they don’t backpedal, they’ll get their IPO, Spez will get his money, and the shell of what Reddit was will continue to exist like MySpace and Facebook. It will strive to stay relevant while slowly becoming more and more irrelevant over time as the newcomer gains steam. Will Lemmy be that newcomer taking over? I’m not sure but it sure is fun to watch the world burn sometimes.

      • @Protheus@lemmy.world
        31 year ago

        Hell, I know a couple of guys, a boomer alcoholic and a zoomer that ages backwards, that work at a VCR repair shop, one of the three remaining in the United States. Although I don’t know how good are they at actually fixing VCRs, all I see is them scamming some elderly person off of his life savings while all he wants is to watch a Night Court video cassette.

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        01 year ago

        It really is just Gen Z. Millenials were programming shit and bashing everything together with hardware and software adaptors as kids. Gen Z grew up in the world of the slick interface that just works.

          • @Protheus@lemmy.world
            31 year ago

            This misconception comes from the fact that gen X were basically the first crowd to be the bulk of the Internets at the dawn of it, and all of them were technically proficient enough to do it, so there is a bias: you had to know something about computers to be on the internet. Nowadays you don’t need to know anything, the barrier is virtually non-existent and basically anyone can do internets with their phone and some “app” without knowing anything at all about how it works or how to setup a connection or even type an address.

            Most of us were and are pretty dumb when it comes to technology or even problem solving, nothing changed in that regard.

        • @hare_ware
          31 year ago

          No, we grew up on Vista and 8.

    • 𝐘Ⓞz҉
      11 year ago

      Lol you assume all boomers invented and built the internet ? Wait till you meet my uncle.