Footage to date fails to prove Gaza complex was nerve centre for attacks on Israel, as military had claimed

    28 months ago

    So now there’s literally video of armed Hamas terrorists walking hostages into Shifa Hospital.

    Hamas primarily is pushing a propaganda war by causing a situation they knew would cause maximum suffering to their people. They could surrender anytime and release their hostages and end this messed up situation. People like you directly support their plan to cause suffering to the Palestinians.

        08 months ago

        Hah apparently the spin is they were taken to the hospital for humanitarian reasons. After all the rape and murder the kidnappers decided to take their hostages to the hospital for treatment clearly under duress. Yep such nice guys. Definitely what they’d do.

    • SilverserenOP
      28 months ago

      The video of the hostages being taken to the hospital for medical treatment way back in October? What does that have to do with the hospital currently?