Is this something I can fix myself?

ALT: screenshot of a jerboa android client error message that reads: “Server version () is under the minimum supported version (0.18). Please inform your administrator and login to another instance, or sign out and use the default instance.”

  • Southern WolfA
    41 year ago

    Yeah, I saw the same thing earlier today too. I meant to post about it actually. Jerboa seemed to still work though? So it could just be in error.

    • Volt
      21 year ago

      Yeah, I believe just doesn’t return lemmy version as how Jerboa expects it (notice the empty brackets in screenshot of OP), thus Jerboa shows error even though the app just works.

      • @GaffeOP
        21 year ago

        The app doesn’t “just work”, unfortunately, because I cannot browse “all”, only local

        • Volt
          1 year ago

          The app is still in alpha, you’ll encounter bugs but that doesn’t mean your specific bug is caused by the missing lemmy version error.

          Anyhow, are you running Jerboa version 0.36? If so, update to 0.37, it sounds like a bug that was resolved in that version.

          • @GaffeOP
            1 year ago

            ah yes of course, i neglected to update, thanks.

            i was relying on fdroid to handle it, “the old ways” have spoiled me