Sources and relevant Wikipedia articles are in 2023 in science.

This is the latest summary and last one for 2023. I’m making these summaries so you can stay up to date even if you only have little time while updating Wikipedia articles. Monthly mail notification here. A few more items are in the Wiki article. Non-included items and criteria can be found here.

  • prototyperspectiveOP
    4 months ago

    If you don’t understand the study itself or in general if you’re interested in it, it’s always a good idea to also read a good news report on it; see this and also this. They found carrot intake rather than beta-carotene, the focus of prior studies, has this association and figure 6 was just to show that they don’t have much data on daily intake of a carrot or more.

    • @theneverfox
      14 months ago

      Jeez, that’s crazy… That’s an insanely high effectiveness, but it does seem like there’s something behind it. Guess I’m going to buy more carrots