Appimages totally suck, because many developers think they were a real packaging format and support them exclusively.

Their use case is tiny, and in 99% of cases Flatpak is just better.

I could not find a single post or article about all the problems they have, so I wrote this.

This is not about shaming open source contributors. But Appimages are obviously broken, pretty badly maintained, while organizations/companies like Balena, Nextcloud etc. don’t seem to get that.

  • @Pantherina@feddit.deOP
    54 months ago

    Appimages work “everywhere” so they are better for distributing malware.

    Flatpaks are normally not installed from random sources and I hope it stays like that.

    So yes and no.

    • Count Regal Inkwell
      24 months ago

      (Also Flatpaks are, at least in theory, sandboxed and can’t mess with your system stuff unless you allow them to)

      • @Pantherina@feddit.deOP
        24 months ago

        Not yet.

        The permissions are too comlicated (unlike “allow documents access” on Mac for example)

        And there is no Desktop GUI integration for opt-in to permissions. So install, open Flatseal / KDEs settings, harden, then run.