• @Rapidcreek@lemmy.world
    -122 months ago

    Well, I participated in Vietnam protests. So, when you say it’s not true, you are saying my own experience is not true.

    Camping wasn’t a formal of protest in the 1930s. I was a matter of necessity.

    When you put people in the streets, it gives a chance to see the size of your opinion. It’s also good for media to advertise that opinion.

    Now, all you see is nice tents and threats to Jewish Americans. No matter who you are, by occupying a public or private space you are begging to be moved.

    Protest the way you want, but it doesn’t make too much sense to occupy. Won’t get the, sympathy of the nation it seems to me.

        • @SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Yeah, he’s the classic boomer model of “my point is whatever makes me correct at this immediate moment”. Check his comment history for a laugh, he gives people grief for doing the same things he’s doing here. No self awareness or integrity whatsoever.

          • @goferking0@lemmy.sdf.org
            22 months ago

            I wonder if they will ever accept that israel constantly lies and shouldn’t ever be trusted without extensive investigation.

      • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.world
        -102 months ago

        At least I had the experience in several places and that is more than the person making the assertion. Also, the media covered events of the day, so the observation is not just solely mine.

        • @SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          I don’t think you understand what anecdotal evidence means. One person seeing something repeatedly is still anecdotal and of similarly little value when making statements about broader trends.

          You didn’t link or even reference this media coverage that specifically supports your assertion so yes, for your comment and even this one, the observation is still solely yours. We’re not mind readers, we don’t know what you’re not telling us and, in case you ask, no, we’re not going to look it up for you. If you don’t provide evidence, people online generally assume you’re making it up, and rightfully so.

          • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.world
            -102 months ago

            I understand what you are saying, I just discount its importance. Plus, you started by calling me a name and now you attempt to talk down to me. Bet you’re fun at parties too.

            • @SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
              62 months ago

              That’s a lot of deflection when you could have just said “I am unable to address anything you wrote” and saved so much time.

                  • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.world
                    -102 months ago

                    Since I don’t care what you said, I also don’t care what you say. If you want to check elsewhere, it’s up to you. Otherwise, you’re talking to the wind my friend. Call it some names.

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Okay so you participated more in marches than encampments. Good for you. But before you say all you see are threats to Jewish Americans, think back to what you were accused of, and google Jews for Peace. You’ll find they’re active in these protests. Which would be kind of weird if they were in danger from their fellow protestors? Media is making it seem like these are radicals in the same way they vilified the students protesting Vietnam.

      And the 1930’s Bonus Army wasn’t homeless people. It was World War 1 veterans demanding their pay.

      • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.world
        -102 months ago

        Well I was never threatened the way Jewish Americans are, but you seem to know better. It seems as though you put more importance on this than I do. There are stupid people inside protests just as there are in life and they say stupid things. It’s up to others to self regulate. I don’t see a lot of that going on, but I’m not there. I see a lot of fairly stupid things coming out of these protestors.

        You are right, the bonus army were looking for wages, and it was the beginning of the depression. They stayed in tents.