• @Iheartcheese@lemmy.world
      15 days ago

      House would make fun of you for like 10 minutes. Then help you transition. Then after you transition he says your dress makes you look fat.

      • Patapon Enjoyer
        15 days ago

        While calling you fat he realizes his current patient has sarcoidosis and leaves without a word

      • Fr I am curious now how it would actually be handled on house. I could see maybe an episode where hormone therapy being a red herring and all the debates the staff have. House with poor bedside manner with trans issues without being transphobic, Watson and Cameron being super sweet to overcompensate. Chase is insensitive but accepting, he laughs and jokes around with stuff in the patient’s house. Foreman is tolerant but secretly uncomfortable. Cuddy yells at house.

        Might be a little high… lol

        • @Iheartcheese@lemmy.world
          14 days ago

          I could see it being something all the other doctors had written off as trans broken arm syndrome except for house. He would still be an ass about her being trans while accepting thats not whats wrong with her.

          edit-at the end of the episode he calls her a stupid bitch and thats his way of accepting her gender identity

    • @taiyang@lemmy.world
      3314 days ago

      Oh no, House always has to screw it up 3 times before getting it right. And it’s never a reasonable thing, you’d get treated for lupus for some reason.

        • @taiyang@lemmy.world
          914 days ago

          Yeeeah… I vaguely remember that. Granted, he was never meant to be a role model, he’s a drug addict (although that doesn’t stop certain men from thinking he’s a badass to emulate?).

          So I guess the real episode would go: one of the cool interns makes the recommendation when brainstorming around a white board, he shoots them down, and then assigns all manner of psych drugs that kinda work until the intern does the treatment themselves and get canned for it (but two seasons later we see they’re a doctor doing a great job).

        • @shneancy@lemmy.world
          914 days ago

          House would probably find a cure for gender dysphoria because in your case it was lupus a uh, spoon of yours that contained traces of idk mercury or something. Oh how did he know about the gender dysphoria mercury spoon? You never mentioned it? Dw about it sweetheart

    • @WR5@lemmy.world
      1015 days ago

      Was Sherlock on the BBC transphobic? It’s been a while but I don’t remember that.