A cool project I wanted to share. People have done some impressive things like porting it to the DS or even making legally-not-tetris with it.

  • @lemonsh
    1 year ago

    It’s always nice to see Uxn mentioned somewhere, but I think that it’s impossible to talk about Uxn without talking about Hundred Rabbits themselves (the authors)

    They live on a sailboat https://100r.co/site/about_us.html

    They have some very interesting solutions to make that work https://100r.co/site/off_the_grid.html

    They also made Orca, which is a very interesting project as well https://100r.co/site/orca.html

    They have some based opinions https://100r.co/site/philosophy.html

    They love Plan 9 https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/plan9.html

    I HIGHLY recommend checking their website out. It’s unbelievably inspiring.

    • CapitalOP
      21 year ago

      YEAH, I should have mentioned Hundred Rabbits more. I’ve been following their work since I first found their games and constructed languages. It’s been incredible watching them develop their small tools. Progressing from JS + Electron to C to now Uxn.

      • @lemonsh
        21 year ago

        There’s also music: https://youtu.be/4EYeZuHSTbk (the choir sample is quite long, if you have a short attention span, start from 1:20)

        It’s truly a work of art, and it’s also underrated as hell. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything like this before, but I love it.

    • Hanalei
      21 year ago

      The 100 Rabbits folks themselves are SUPER interesting and I’ve been thinking about making a video essay about them, their work and their message for a long time now