My dad taught me to drive and it went much like that.
He would frequently confuse right and left when telling me where to go too.
This was my dad too. I remember crying.
Poor Fluttershy.
Imagine learning to drive when you have wings and can just fly wherever you want.
I flew too close to the sun; now I have to take the bus.
doesn’t go
“GO!! GO!!! YOU COULD’VE GONE!!!”goes
“STOP!! STOP!!! YOU’RE GONNA GET US KILLED!!!”the real lesson is learning to turn when you feel comfortable and ignoring all other pressures
oh nuui fluttershy ;(
i hope she’s fine now <3
im here once again just to comment on this again.
fluttershy looks so supr uncomfy.,.,-. i rlli rlli rlililrl rllirllrilrlrlrlii rlli hope that she’s just - either got that drivers license now or she jus flies ~ ~ <3
(i hop she jus fly cuz - i dun like cars… they loud n alsu stinky n alsu expsnv)