I’m old now. I’ve finally realised I get more enjoyment from watching someone play than to actually play the game. Why is that? Do you experience that as well?

  • CrazyEddie041@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Honestly, even though I really enjoy gaming, it can still be tiring. Having to come up with strategies or execute some maneuver or even just piecing together a plot takes up brainpower that I don’t always have. Watching someone else play a game lets me enjoy the game without having to invest energy into it.

  • olig89@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    So for me, it depends on the type of game and the content creator. When friends have asked me about streamer culture, I tell them to jump around and find a creator who thinks/makes decisions loosely the same as them but more importantly has a generally positive vibe in both themselves and their community - not everyone is sugary sweet screechy nightmare.

    For story-based games, I get to experience all the artistic aspects (story, acting, level design, animation etc) without having to learn and/or put up with crummy controls, be distracted by poor performance or optimisation, get caught in thankless grind mechanics, or simply get experience a game in a genre/on a platform I wouldn’t ordinarily.

    Watching someone who is good at creating narratives play an adventure-crafter/ management sim adds lots of additional layers of interest, where I would otherwise check out after a couple of sessions playing by myself.

    Shooters are less of a draw for me, maybe because I still actively play them. I have never clicked with any individual creator but find groups quite compelling, especially when the game has more tactics/strategy involved and they need to work together to succeed.

    I haven’t thought much about it but even as a child, when in a group I much preferred watching someone play than having a go myself and I guess that followed through to YT/Twitch when they came online.

  • CalamityJoe@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Never done done this myself, can anyone recommend a good non-RTS strategy gamer they think worth checking out and watching? I’m very much a TBS strategy (or at least pauseable), simulation, citybuilder type gamer.

    But in the spirit of exploration, I’ll also take RTS watching recommendations actually.

    • FrostBolt@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      On a related note, have you heard of the Three Moves Ahead podcast? It seems like it’d be right up your alley: it’s entirely focused on strategy games