In an incredible display of just kind of saying stuff, 52-year-old liberal Isaac Shawn has announced that focusing on “trans issues” alienates the working class from the Democratic party, though he does not personally know a trans person, a working-class person, or anyone at the intersection of thes
I am so sick and tired about hearing about trans issues. Outrageously disproportionate to the real issues we need to focus on.
It wouldn’t be a conversation if the alt right media would stop acting as if transgender people are causing all their problems.
It’s best to just ignore the alt-right media.
That’s not what is happening. It seems more like trans people are screaming constantly that we are trying to kill them and other insane shit.
Shit I got banned from steams Halls of Torment forums by a trans for saying I did not want identity politics in the games I play.
It’s not the alt right that is the problem here. It’s people being unable to relax the fuck out and just live life without making their sexuality an explicit part of everyone else’s awareness.
Wow you went mask off real quick there.
Few things to point out in case you didn’t know them:
They went mask off so fast that I’m surprised we didn’t hear a sonic boom.
Nah. It’s you. The problem is you.
“I don’t want to see this aspect of life that doesn’t affect me at all in this video game”
Gets banned
“How could the trans people do this and oppress people”
“Art needs to stop imitating life!”
Hey look, they wrote an article about you.
Removed by mod
What exactly do you mean with identity politics in the game? Why do you even bring it up on the forums? Is the game letting you select pronouns? Do you pick a body instead of “sex” in the character selection screen? Are you forced to undergo gender reassignment surgery upon logging into the game?
Also, gender does not mean sexuality. They are 2 separate things.
I am not trans. I am not LGBT. I’m an ally but i have never had any issues with LGBT people. Never ever have i felt like anything is “shoved down my throat”, forced or whatever on me. Never have they ever even had a big conversation about it with me. The ONLY thing we talked about was when i meet someone and they tell me their pronouns. He, she, they or whatever else they want. Then i respond with “okay cool” and thats the end of it.
I really don’t understand why you feel like its the only thing we talk about? The right brings it up 24/7 and when they see anyone even with a pride flag in their profile, or maybe their pronouns, they have an absolute baby meltdown.
The issue is you mate. Even how you say “banned by a trans”. Who talks like that? You seem uncomfortable with it and therefore annoyed and upset. Chill and stop worrying so damn much about others…
Haha, you have to create a new troll account now because you fucked this one up.
How do you square what you’re saying with the very easy to find data (look it up) that says that trans people are disproportionately killed by a large amount and the easy to find laws being passed around the US using taxpayer money to specifically target trans people by denying them recognition and healthcare?
When trans people “relax the fuck out and just live life” they end up being denied jobs, medicine, and sometimes their life by bigots. What do you think they’re supposed to do?
Maybe they will stop screaming when we stop murdering them.
Interpretation note: there is a smaller list of cases where it’s confirmed they were murdered for being trans. There is a gray area between likely and unlikely that trans-hate was the motive.
I’ve played Halls of Torment. It’s a Vampire Survivors style game (pick a character, kill hordes of mobs). Where the hell did you find identity politics in it? Does the “back story” of a character on a wiki say they are trans or something?
“Trans people need to stop being in my face by acknowledging that trans people exist if I go looking into the extended backstory that isn’t part of the game at all!!!”
A real gamer in their habitat, so rare to find it on lemmy.
What minority you want out of your game today?
why do you think they always pick minorities to attack? first they come for a tiny minority, so apathetic dickwads don’t speak up because they’re not part of that minority. wonder where i heard that before.
I agree with you both. I wish we would stop hearing about them because trans rights were no longer under attack.
Yes they are, you’ve just stopped hearing about it because the Democrats mostly stopped playing defense for them. Turns out a tiny minority has a very small voice when it isn’t being amplified by people with access to power and privilege. It’s similar to the way Democrats now support right-wing border policy despite paying lip service to leftist ideas about the border and immigration. It’s just another cause the Democrats cynically co-opted until it was no longer convenient.
Did you miss the “I wish” part. Jesus, settle down keyboard warrior.
I misread your comment, that’s my mistake. I thought you were saying that trans rights no longer being under attack is why you wish you would stop hearing about them.
I edited the “are” to “were.” Hope that helps the misunderstanding of my comment.
Ah, yes, trans rights are no longer under attack.
Are you legally brain dead?
ANOTHER ONE that can’t fucking read? 🙄
Note the, “I wish” part
I edited “are” to “were.” I don’t know if that will help or not.
It’s not that I can’t read, it’s that your syntax is lacking. Good edit. It helps a bit. Can still be interpreted the other way.
not after the edit
i mean, it’s the right that’s currently trying to make laws banning trans care. the left just wants them to be left alone. as soon as the right stops trying to ban them the left will stop having anything to complain about
I’m sorry but who do you think is next? We’ve seen this movie before. At the end of the day only loyal, God fearing, white, land owning people, in good community standing will be safe.
That’s why we’re fighting for the rights of less than 1 percent of the population. Because until we live in a country where everyone’s rights are secure, no one’s rights are secure.
And if you don’t believe me go check out Christian Nationalism. It’s not exactly subtle and it is driving the modern Republican party.
How often have I heard anti-trans rhetoric in the last few years? Why is it always used as a wedge issue to
Privatize public institutions - schools, parks, health clinics, public transit
Ramp up police enforcement and surveillance on the working class
Crack down on union organizing and other labor movements (particularly teacher and nurse unions)
Elevate “naturalist” rhetoric used to entrench gender bias (only boys can do X and only girls can do Y, but trans people are trying to cheat! Keep the genders divided!)
Hell, I even see it worm its way into subjects like climate change reform, with the old Alex Jones “They’re turning the frogs gay!” rhetoric intended to deflect from the impact rising temperatures has on the ecology by convincing people there’s a Homosexual Agenda behind their ecological problems.
Yeah it’s funny being told by leftwing media darlings that they’re so much more in touch with working people than me, I’d love to see that satirical content creator come and live my life with me for a week then see if he still feels smug enough to say that.
It’s a wedge issue designed to avoid talking about things that will actually help people, including trans people, to live decent lives. The left loves an excuse to call people bigots, racists, and whatever type of monster means that they can avoid actual meaningful change.