• @LemUrun
    811 months ago

    lemmy_fmhy_ml was my main instance…

    Now it’s pawb.social. I wanted .social instance and this was the first in awesome-lemmy-instances repo on GitHub.

    • @KoboldCoterie
      511 months ago

      Well, that’s awesome - welcome to the party! :)

      • @LemUrun
        411 months ago

        Thanks. Also, I like furries (I’m not 100% a furry though, I’m not a fan of this identifying as animal thing). I’m just a human lol

        • @KoboldCoterie
          1111 months ago

          That’s okay, you’re still welcome. ;)

          For the record, we don’t ‘identify as’ animals, either. (You might be confusing furries with therians.) We’re just a fandom dedicated to anthropomorphic animals. Most of us have characters we’ve created that represent us, or idealized versions of us, but if you’re referring to folks who believe they actually are an animal, that’s not furries. (Or, maybe more accurate, it’s a subset of furries.)

          Either way, though… humans are fine, too. ;)

  • @hare_ware
    411 months ago

    Why were they using .ml domains?

    • Southern WolfOPA
      111 months ago

      Well, the assumption is because the two Lemmy devs are huge tankes, so using the .ml domain suites them, since it can mean “Marxism-Leninism.”

      • @Xanvial@lemmy.one
        11 months ago

        Isn’t it because it’s free?
        Pretty sure fmhy.ml is not managed by lemmy dev.
        Also in tech world ML usually means machine learning.

        • Southern WolfOPA
          11 months ago

          Yeah, that’s another core issue. The provider of the .ml domains is being sued by Meta for cybersquatting, and it also has gotten in trouble with ICANN before too. So it was in trouble, even if the Mali hadn’t done what they did. And their actions make sense too in taht context, that’s a lot of potential revenue for Mali in offering .ml domains, much like Tuvalu did with .tv domains.

          Also yeah, in most circles it would mean Machine Learning. The Lemmy devs aren’t that… Just for reference, pawb.social is de-federated from the devs other major instance, Lemmygrad.ml, because of their actions there. I can’t speak for fmhy.ml, but I saw it got hit with the same issues due to the .ml domain. They are on a .net now, iirc.

          • SavvyWolf
            211 months ago

            I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I’ve seen the claim that lemmygrad.ml and lemmy.ml are run by the same person/team many times, and am wondering if you’ve found any sources on that? I’m not saying it’s incorrect or the devs aren’t problematic, I’m just trying trying to find a reputable source.

            I’ve been trying to look myself, and so all I’ve found is that “someone” claims that lemmygrad.ml and lemmy.ml resolve to the same IP ( https://mstdn.social/@feditips/106839809077880828 ), which it doesn’t as of June this year, and an uncited comment on whatever Prolewiki is.

            • Southern WolfOPA
              411 months ago

              Yeah, here’s pretty good evidence for that. This is one of the admins of Lemmygrad, and based on the communities he runs alone it shows he is involved in the development of Lemmy. Further still, is this comment by him where he says he created an issue to be added on the Lemmy Github. The GitHub thread shows it was made by one of the two Lemmy devs.

              That’s definitely some of the clearer evidence that they are involved in the ownership of Lemmygrad. Also just noticed that the .ml domain sites are back online. Wonder how that happened?

              • SavvyWolf
                511 months ago

                Ah, that’s a shame. Thanks for pointing me to that.

                Still, AGPL and federation means that the entire ecosystem doesn’t have to agree with his views or his direction when developing the software.

              • @hare_ware
                111 months ago

                Anyone can post a GitHub issue, but if you scroll through the commit log, they do seem to have push access, or at the very least, get their PRs accepted often, same for Jerboa.

                • Southern WolfOPA
                  111 months ago

                  Yeah, it’s a duo that develops it, so it’s one of the two. And likely both that control Lemmygrad.

          • @hare_ware
            111 months ago

            Ohh, that explains why I only see all the people complaining about commies and almost no actual commies. I’m starting to really not like how this federation thing works, it really feels like Twitter block lists, except it’s completely out of my control. We’re already getting blocked by a lot of people for being a furry instance and this instance blocks a ton of stuff I probably wouldn’t mind seeing even if I don’t like it. And I’m not really sure how viable a single user instance is especially with all that in context, and with everyone else you could talk to getting echoboxed like that.

            • SavvyWolf
              111 months ago

              What instances defederate with us? As far as I know, pawb.social seems to be in pretty good standing with all of the other common instances.