• AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca
    5 hours ago

    Hundreds of billions of stars in our own galaxy, and planets are thought to be just as common as stars. We’re discovering more and more exo-planets as technology improves. Add on top of that, our milky way galaxy is just one of hundreds of billions, if not trillions of galaxies in the known universe.

    Each galaxy having at least millions of stars, up to trillions of stars per galaxy. What are the odds that our one planet is the only planet in the universe with life? We aren’t that special. We simply don’t have the technology to discover other life yet.

    The idea that we’re the only life in the galaxy, let alone the universe is absurd. I’m not saying little green men are visiting us, but to think we’re alone in such an incomprehensibly vast universe is just straight up wrong IMO. If humanity doesn’t destroy itself in war, then hundreds of years from now humanity will look back on the idea that we’re the only life the same way we currently look back on people that thought the Earth was the centre of the universe.

    Life will go on, with or without humanity.