For me it is the concept of registering to vote. I am citizen so I have the right to vote automatically and only thing I need to provide is some accepted ID.

  • Count Regal Inkwell
    4 months ago

    The entire system is alien to me, with the districts and the electoral college and (…)

    It’s so – Simple – Here.


    At least presidential choice is simple here, the legislative houses are their own beast.

    But yeah here it’s just: Each (properly registered, though registration can be done through the internet) adult person gets one vote, if a candidate gets 50%+1 they are in, if none manage to get that there is a run-off round with the top 2 or 3 candidates.

    Over there it’s like people from certain states have their votes be worth more than people from other states, and then there’s the whole “winning the district” thing and the whole idea of red/blue/swing states. So much complexity.