Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 20; max - 32; shower or two (25% chance of at least 3mm)

    3 months ago

    Hi there! Yes, some schools teach it, mostly private schools. That is, not the state run schools but the ones run by the churches (various) or by private organisations. The school I went to back in the 70s required study of at least one language, and Bahasa Indonesia was one of the choices available. The others were French German Latin & Spanish at that time - nowadays there’s more focus on Chinese and Japanese. There’s also been a lot of tourism from Australia to Indonesia for quite some time now - at least since the 70s and probably before. Some fairly strong trade links - one category of cattle for sale in northern Australia are officially classified as ‘Light Indonesian Steers’ and the price is reported on state media once a week.