Ah yes, my favorite type of meme: “DAE think things that require thinking are autistic???”
Somehow it’s okay for autism but the “R word” is highly offensive. I guess it’s supposed to be a good thing because we gatekeep an attention span longer than fifteen seconds behind being autistic?
deleted by creator
I’m on the spectrum myself and this is not offensive nor insulting
One person doesn’t get to decide what is offensive or insulting to everyone. Probably better to say “not insulting to me”.
I see you didn’t post that reply towards the person I’m replying to. Curious…
What the hell is the R word
“retard” I guess, but I have no idea why they brought it up
Because I think there’s a valid comparison between calling dumb things retarded, and calling complex things autistic.
Not at all. “retarded” is/was regularly used as a slur against people with developmental disorders, including ASD peeps. conflating it with dumb is harmful and/or triggering to the same people.
Your problem here is that you actually feel that being autistic is bad, and therefore are insulted to be likened to such.
Quaint, you telling me what my problem is. Wonder how that’d go if we flipped the roles.
Slur isn’t really the right word for what was previously just an objective medical term with an actual definition. Ya know, like autism is, despite some people’s best efforts.
While there are objectively detrimental types of autism that hamper an individual’s ability to function independently, mostly I’m just annoyed at anyone not violently extroverted or that ever picks up a book being called autistic.
I would consider being inaccurately labelled a valid reason to be upset, no matter how “bad” the term is. Same reason it’s dumb to consider certain types of male fashion “gay”, just let people enjoy shit.
Quaint, you telling me what my problem is. Wonder how that’d go if we flipped the roles.
Go on then.
Slur isn’t really the right word for what was previously just an objective medical term with an actual definition. Ya know, like autism is, despite some people’s best efforts.
It is a slur now, and you know why it became a slur? Because people started using it to refer to people with deveopmental disorders as an insult, to liken them to such. Because they felt that having a developmental disorder made you less than human! And when it became a slur, it was then used to bully and harass people like me and its used means that you consider “developmentally retarded” (in the medical sense) people as something bad.
Nobody stops you from enjoying shit and there’s nothing wrong with some things being considered more girly, or gay or more autistic if you don’t consider being girly or gay or autistic a problem.
It is a slur now, and you know why it became a slur? Because people started using it to refer to people with deveopmental disorders as an insult, to liken them to such.
How this any different than your use of the word autistic in this context?
“Autistic” has been used as a slur for a couple of years now, and your comic is no different. It’s used against people with different minds and medical conditions. What makes a game autistic? Because it’s different than other games? Because they require more thought and work? Because they’re busier games? Using the word autistic to describe them is insensitive to those with the condition and misrepresentation of what the word means. Maybe you could use a word that already meets the definition of what you’re saying rather than attacking an entire demographic?
Who’s attacking? It’s not used as an insult here. If you think it is, you have a problem yourself
What exactly is it saying then? What does it mean to say that a game is autistic and how is that not targeted towards people with autism?
Dude, when one is self-depricating, why you gonna pile up the hate? This post was -supposed- to be funny, There are several people who were entertained, and none harmed.
I agree, the humour is not refined and the butt of the joke are autistic people, yet I’d argue that you’re trying to censor bad humour and that you’re on the wrong platform for that.
I’m not trying to censor anything. People can post whatever they want, which means I also get to call out when I feel someone is using language in bad taste that I disagree with. You and OP can definitely ignore me and move on, but maybe others agree with me and want to see comments like mine. Also, I wasn’t the first person to say something, I supported another comment with a similar sentiment first.
Somehow it’s okay for autism but the “R word” is highly offensive.
Yeah? Only one of those words is a slur. It’s the one you literally can’t write down because it gets removed for being a slur.
Retard isn’t itself a slur just like autism isn’t. The context in which they’re used makes them a slur, and in OPs context, autistic is used as a slur.
You’re still fighting the r-word war? Most people moved on around 2008 with the attack helicopter jokes.
I don’t use the word retard in either it’s literal definition or as a slur, because there are better words in both cases. My response was that retard is not defined bad, and one can type out the entire word. It’s not like The N word that has one meaning, and it’s a slur where censoring the word word itself is often prudent. I’m not suggesting people should just throw the word retard around , just that it’s typeable and different than other censored words.
Prescriptivism being bullshit aside, how is an autistic person calling their interests autistic comparable to using that word as a slur?
The word autistic has a definition and using it to define a type of inanimate objects is the incorrect use of it. Whether it’s being as a slur or not I’ll concede is a bit up for debate, but willfully taking a word that identifies a demographic based on how their brains work and using it to categorize games feels dirty and a bit slurry. Going back, the word retard wasn’t a slur until it was used incorrectly enough times that it became one. This particular case is not bad compared to other uses of the word autistic that I’ve seen so casually thrown about often synonymous with being dumb.
(heads up, it only gets removed on weirdly sensitive instances like lemmy.ml)
My first brain thought reading this was “but all games I like are autistic because I am autistic”
My wife saw me playing Satisfactory once and when I explained the balancing of input and output, she also called it the autistic game.
Thank god I’m only Factorio autistic and not Dwarf Fortress autistic. Then again, Dwarf Fortress looks kinda 🔥 Might check it out.
I want to like DF but then I get annoyed at having to tell the dwarves literally every single thing to do
You’re grown ass dwarves
Figure out that we’re done making turtle soup.
I’m mechabellum autistic and it’s a big problem >_<
If you don’t spend weeks curating a personal modlist to make an idealised version of your favourite games, have you ever truly played?
Age of wonders, hearts of iron, mount and blade?
How those autistic?
Does make all strategy game autistic?
All grand strategy, automation and city building games. I don’t make the rules.
I need find rule! Thank you.
I didn’t realise how much I needed a 9:21 ratio comic, but here it is
Can confirm.
Source? Me and my autistic gf.I’m so autistic I play ck3 for 16 hours a day for a week then have a quarterly break before starting again
Look just because I’m autistic with 4000 hours in… wait no probably a shit more in these games doesn’t make them autistic games. There. Just. Well ok fine >:(
Hey hey people