Deadly Premonition. It’s a cult classic, just a really weird game with shoddy translation and awkward cutscenes that barely make any sense but is somehow still self-aware.
What if the Japanese saw twin peaks one time.
What do you think, Zach?
F…K…! In the coffee! I knew I could rely on it!
Shower with your dad simulator is not a bad game at all, it’s very funny and properly implementes
It still is a “trash” game though (so I thought it was worth mentioning)
Love this, almost as much as gta 5 a similarly dumb game that was forced to change their name
One time I renamed the Ballz 3D rom to Ace Combat, and gave it to my friend telling them it was the legendary first game in the series.
One time I renamed the Ballz 3D rom to Ace Combat, and gave it to my friend telling them it was the legendary first game in the series.
holy based
It’s a fair go at a 3d fighting game for the hardware limitations. It’s a great one to pull out at a party for a “WTF is this!?” Tournament.
I may have also broken out TMNT Tournament Fighters (NES) in this situation. The SNES version is a decent SF knockoff.
I disagree 100% It is one of the worst fighting games ever.
By no means am I saying it’s good, just that you can tell they tried. The framerate is abysmal, the controls laggy, it’s difficult to tell the characters apart on the screen since they are all made out of balls, but you can tell they tried.
Street Fighter the movie is still the top of my list for worst fighting game ever, I’d like to hear what else is on your list.
Ha! Oh man SF the movie is horrible. I forgot about that game. That’s definitely a b-movie tier game.
I don’t really have a list, i prefer thinking of good games. I agree with your assessment of Ballz3D.
There was a bad star wars fighting game on the PSX. That’s a good contender.
Oh! And Rise of the Robots was another installment in horrible Fighting games.
Think this was a genre of 2000s era flash games. Newgrounds, addicting games, etc.
Recall many that were trash like throwing tomatoes at Brittany spears while she spins on a carnivel wheel, shooting terrorists as Bush in white house (ok that one was fun).
One called ray where it was a violent hit man choose your own adventure type game. Controlled a south park character walked them through cutscnes of them killing people and doing coke.
9 - 12 year old me thought it was cool.
I remember Ray! Open casket/closed casket lol
I remember a game where you played as R2-D2 and the goal was to beat as many people with a hammer as you could before the timer ran out. :)
Darkest of Days. You’re one of Custer’s soldiers at Little Big Horn who gets recruited to be a time cop and travel around the timeline fighting in historical battles with ridiculous futuristic weapons to create “balance” or something.
That game was fun but janky as hell. At first you’re stuck with weapons from the time but you come back later with futuristic stuff.
“50 Cent: Blood on the Sand”
YES, the rapper, 50 Cent, is the main character of this game.
It’s absolutely fucking hilarious.
The original Sven co-op. It’s basically a Half-life mod that turned the single player game into a multiplayer.
Many times the maps were altered for compatibility and to increase difficulty. Many times the map editors were new to the concept. Whatever the reason, it led to bugs and cheap game design mechanics that are annoying solo but great fun when experienced as a group.
Those were golden years of gaming for me. All the HL 1 mods… Firearms, DoD, The Specialist, etc.
Sonic 06 is the OG of “trashy games you can’t look away from because in all the ways it sucks, it is NEVER BORING”
… This is why it had such a powerful reputation-ruining impact, by the way.
If it had been boring bad (like Sonic Blast in the 90s or Sonic Boom a few years later) no one would have cared – Instead it is such a glorious trainwreck that it is basically The Room of video games.
Phantasmagoria fits in the actual B-movie way with its FMVs. Many games from the early late 80’s and 90’s fit this, actually. Plumbers Wear Ties and pretty much any video games with live action filmed shit, because it was almost all universally poorly acted.
I can’t really think of a game thats gameplay is so bad it becomes funny other than the GOAT: Big Rigs Over the Road Racing.
Because Phantasmagoria had 7 CDs, my friends and I used it as a benchmark for internet speeds. Usually to mock how big the game was.
Eg. “My brand new 56k modem could download Phantasmagoria in less than 200 days!”
Bad Rats
That reminds me, it’s my turn to pass the unclaimed copy my sister and I have been gifting back and forth to each other for years.
Im especially fond of PearsAndGrayWitch
Chaos Wars
Wild Animal Racing on Steam, it’s like the worst Mario kart clone you’ve ever seen. It even has split screen co-op for extra jank
Interesting, I don’t know this one, would you have a link?
Outside Xtra played Garfield Lasagna Party. I don’t think I’d enjoy playing it but watching it was pretty good.