This is Bumble, a handmade crochet bee! This little one was given to me by a friend a couple years ago who was getting into crochet as a hobby! They actually made a ton of these for many people in their life, and I was elated when they showed me some and asked if I’d like one too. I even got to pick the colors and a fragrance for the inside (lavender). When it was done a while later, I nearly cried from how kind the gesture was.

Anyway I figured I’d take a picture outside today to show them to you! Enjoy your day!

  • ngoomie
    2 years ago

    Love love love handmade plushies! I’m learning knitting right now and intend to learn how to crochet at some point and I’ve been wanting to make myself + my friends some plushies too

    • FoxfireOPM
      2 years ago

      Ooh that is wonderful! I wish you the best with picking up crochet and giving the gift of plushies to your friends! If you make some in the future, I’d love to see pictures of them.