Nah, these guys ain’t straight and/or cis. If touching their own balls makes them that uncomfy then they’ve got some stuff they’re hiding and need to work through.
Edit: even so, tho, the OP doesn’t look like they’re a dude; which makes me wonder if she has a different towel for every part of her body. Like, damn bitch, granted I ain’t straight or cis, but I use two towels, one for my hair, one for the rest of me. I may be a gal but I don’t need more than that, and the hair one is mainly because my hair holds enough water that I kinda need a second towel.
For me it’s more I don’t want my head hair wrapped around my junk. It’s uncomfortable, and behind deliberate about how I dry my body has made sure it doesn’t happen anymore.
Who the fuck actually cares? Are straight guys so homophobic they can’t even touch a towel that has touched their own freshly cleaned junk?
How the fuck did you get ANY of that from this post? It’s about hygiene, not homophobia.
And everyone in the comments is talking about using the same towel. Who is this strawman you’re insulting and why does it have 32 upvotes?
Straight man bad
Woman in screenshot: do men have separate ball towels?
Man in screenshot: no
Men in comments: no
Men every other time this gets posted: no
Noxypaws: straight men are homophobic scum for not wanting to use a towel that touched their own balls. Something is wrong with their brains!
Damn y’all really can’t take a joke can you?
Where’s the joke lol
I just see OC getting mad about people that don’t exist
Nah, these guys ain’t straight and/or cis. If touching their own balls makes them that uncomfy then they’ve got some stuff they’re hiding and need to work through.
Edit: even so, tho, the OP doesn’t look like they’re a dude; which makes me wonder if she has a different towel for every part of her body. Like, damn bitch, granted I ain’t straight or cis, but I use two towels, one for my hair, one for the rest of me. I may be a gal but I don’t need more than that, and the hair one is mainly because my hair holds enough water that I kinda need a second towel.
For me it’s more I don’t want my head hair wrapped around my junk. It’s uncomfortable, and behind deliberate about how I dry my body has made sure it doesn’t happen anymore.