You can change all the words you want, but that’s not what I said, and I feel it’s insincere to suggest the two statements are equal.
I’m allowed to draw a line and say, “this isn’t my burden to bear, and I don’t have to comply to simply avoid a rocked boat.”
The offensive part to me I suspect is the same thing op finds offensive, which is the expectation that I am to comply with what is clearly someone’s fantasy in all shape and definition.
We know gender identity is fluid and complex. We know sexuality is fluid and complex. The verdict is definitely way out there that species falls into this category, too.
I feel it’s insincere to suggest the two statements are equal.
I think its insincere to suggest they aren’t. After all…
what is clearly someone’s fantasy in all shape and definition.
The verdict is definitely way out there that species falls into this column, too.
These two statements seem to be completely opposed to each other.
Not to mention, that same attitude was held towards trans folks for a long time, wasn’t it? That they couldn’t possibly feel that way, and it was just an expression of homosexuality?
I was trying to be generous with the “verdict is way out there” part. There will never be a day where a human is actually a dragon.
I am aware of a woman who is also a cat. I watched her belly dance in a jungle to a track by the artist Deep Forest. It was the first time as a preteen that I realized how sensual women could be. Or rather, cat women.
There are people who have the genuine belief in their “other” aspect of themselves. So thats how they prefer to be referred to. I think poking fun at that is unnecessary and wrong, its kind of as simple as that. Not something exclusive to this situation, just a pretty decent general rule.
What I would say the verdict is absolutely out on is a “why”, and the impact it has on individuals. So a bit of courtesy and basic decency is all thats needed.
You can change all the words you want, but that’s not what I said, and I feel it’s insincere to suggest the two statements are equal.
I’m allowed to draw a line and say, “this isn’t my burden to bear, and I don’t have to comply to simply avoid a rocked boat.”
The offensive part to me I suspect is the same thing op finds offensive, which is the expectation that I am to comply with what is clearly someone’s fantasy in all shape and definition.
We know gender identity is fluid and complex. We know sexuality is fluid and complex. The verdict is definitely way out there that species falls into this category, too.
I think its insincere to suggest they aren’t. After all…
These two statements seem to be completely opposed to each other.
Not to mention, that same attitude was held towards trans folks for a long time, wasn’t it? That they couldn’t possibly feel that way, and it was just an expression of homosexuality?
Anyway, I’m off for tonight, enjoy your night.
I was trying to be generous with the “verdict is way out there” part. There will never be a day where a human is actually a dragon.
I am aware of a woman who is also a cat. I watched her belly dance in a jungle to a track by the artist Deep Forest. It was the first time as a preteen that I realized how sensual women could be. Or rather, cat women.
There are people who have the genuine belief in their “other” aspect of themselves. So thats how they prefer to be referred to. I think poking fun at that is unnecessary and wrong, its kind of as simple as that. Not something exclusive to this situation, just a pretty decent general rule.
What I would say the verdict is absolutely out on is a “why”, and the impact it has on individuals. So a bit of courtesy and basic decency is all thats needed.