Why would you prefer my anus not being washed out? Trust me, it was never blue…
i wish all unnecessary censors a very FUUUUCKKK YOUUUUUU
Hey you can’t swear on the internet, reported /s
why do people always get worked up about this?
Cause it’s fucking bullshit
Most of the time, these self censors come from people who use shitty controlled platforms like Instagram or TikTok, where several “bad bad” words get you shadow banned. Agreeing with that bullshit and bending the knee to corporate rule is not something anyone should be proud of
Unfortunately, I think apathy towards this, (while very cool and nonchalant and badass don’t get me wrong) is about as annoying.
And it’s interesting that I see these posts posing as apathy under every single complaint about censorship. I mean at some point it’s reactionary.
can you explain why that is
It’s conservative in the most basic sense of the word (not in our modern political sense). You see someone upsetting the status quo (questioning why people need to censor things on an internet forum) and the reaction is: “Why do these people care so much? It’s fine, there’s no problem with censoring it’s never bothered me.” Most people think this way, but most people don’t post about it.
There are two different ways to take it: one way is you actually agree with the censorship but either don’t have an argument or don’t want to argue so instead vaguely post about apathy, painting the other side as losers who care too much.
Another way is what I said before, it’s a reactionary “ugh” as you pass by, wondering why people have their panties in a twist about someone censoring the word “kill” from one meme.
It’s not that I agree that such words should be censored. But I’m like whatever, I can still read the post. But then I go to the comments, and instead of useful comments there’s always people whining about the censored word. To me, that’s more annoying than the censorship itself. So I decided to ask why this is such a big deal, and I haven’t really gotten a sensible answer yet.
I mean, I’m glad you agree. As a community the only thing people can do is make posting censored content something taboo. Hopefully after enough of this people will get the hint. I mean, it’s working, if you’re annoyed by it then just engage with content that doesn’t have this unnecessary censorship and downvote and move on from posts that do. That way you’ll avoid people whining about censored words, there’s a whole genre of posts that have exactly none of that.
There’s plenty of reasons why in these posts. Hell, you ostensibly agree that these words shouldn’t be censored but you come to the posts and ask why it’s a big deal? The reaction isn’t too extreme, it’s simply the only thing to do if we want to keep the community clear of this without trying to get the mods to censor the post themselves or something. So it’s quite literally the least big deal to make while still trying to shape the community.
As I mentioned, the only reason to try to get these posts to stop is either you’re in favor of censorship or you’re in favor of maintaining the status quo in order to not see these comments, which is tacitly in favor of the censorship as that is the norm right now.
I’m in favour of just letting people post what they want to post with or without censorship
Look ma, I’m swearing on the internet. No matter the content they comment under, they prove themselves incapable of actually engaging in a discussion. It’s always the same pointless “CeNsOrShIp BaD” adding absolutely zero value to the comment section. Don’t even try to argue with that crowd, they’ll downvote you into oblivion.
Since you want an answer so bad that Youre willing to just assume shit about why I personally find it annoying, I’ll tell you why I find it annoying.
I find it annoying because it symbolizes the commercialization and monetization of the internet. The only reason this shit is done is to make content more “advertiser friendly”. There was a point in time where you could say the worst, most heinous shit and nobody would even care because they did it to. Then the internet started to become more about “getting that bag” and everyone started to self censor. This no doubt came from a monetized Instagram page that had to keep their sponsors happy. The shit where content creators replace “rape” & “grape”, “cocaine” & “coca cola”, “died”/“killed” & “unalived” is pure fucking nonsense as well. You know what youre saying, I know what youre saying, but youre saying it weird so the fucking AI doesnt demonetize your shit because you’d prefer to make money over have respect for the story youre telling. Its ridiculous, stupid and the reason I dont support any content creator that participates in this bullshit. This is the internet, I’m an adult. If there are kids here, thats their parents problem. A phone is not a babysitter. Im going to continue to say fuck.
Have a nice fucking day I hope this helps you continue to be a jackass on the internet who assumes shit about other people without even using your brain to critically think for more than 2 milliseconds, and remember to down vote me to fucking oblivion 😋
I just can’t imagine begrudging the people trying to make money from it. Blame the platforms, sure, but conferring that blame onto individual users seems misguided.
guys i think it say hill
No you cannot! Mods, ban this fucker now, pls
Now we need one like that for when they censor “kill”
You can go straight to the source and find out! There’s no bad crop or anything (though there does appear to be an unavoidable cookie pop-up).
not if you open it through an alternative front-end https://pb.bloat.cat/diane-nguyen-watches-cartoons/748151220974256128/pluto-isnt-a-planet-fine-dinosaurs-had
Alternative frontends are the best
The censorship makes it worse actually
clearly it says “I will caress you with my bare hands”
Free handjob!
Wy tf “kill” censored ❓❓
Because TikTok, Instagram and YouTube think it’s a booboo word so of course we all must adhere now.
I wish all big tech CEOs a very “unalive”What is this , 4kids ⁉️⁉️⁉️
Neptune isnt blue and there’s nothing you can do
The planet, Pluto, and I are not impressed with your lies.
Pfft it still has supersonic wind and diamond rain, it’s cool
And a retrograde moon!
Blender sphere ass planet
Can’t wait for the discovery of default cube planet
the gods deleted it when the universe was created
What about monkey head planet?
I can’t believe the first thing I thought when I was scrolling and saw this image was “straight flush”. My brain has been broken by balatro.
It haunts my dreams.
Human-visible universe is boring :(
so much grey :(
Imagine how much cooler a telescope would look to a snake
I wish I could see infrared
Maybe that’s the colour of Uranus…
Well we still have Jupiter and Saturn.
Do we though? I’m questions all planet colors now. They have lied to me before.
Yes, amateur astronomers can make out some of the clouds with a decent-sized reflector, and have even taken photos for us.
It was a joke…
Next thing they tell me, Earth isn’t blue.
Just see different wavelengths, easy.
deleted by creator
Don’t remind me of this it makes me sad