I imagine it’s in reference to a recent-ish trend in Spanish speaking countries (or maybe just one? idr). IIRC it started with just a picture of a guy smoking and captioned “oh, this is art”, and fast-forward to now where it’s been reduced to just the cigarette, and the more cigarettes there are, the more artistic it is. doesn’t even need to be about movies anymore either, can just be about anything, that’s how memetic it became.
I imagine it’s in reference to a recent-ish trend in Spanish speaking countries (or maybe just one? idr). IIRC it started with just a picture of a guy smoking and captioned “oh, this is art”, and fast-forward to now where it’s been reduced to just the cigarette, and the more cigarettes there are, the more artistic it is. doesn’t even need to be about movies anymore either, can just be about anything, that’s how memetic it became.