I play mostly sci-fi games but I enjoy a good ol’ swordfighting once in a while.
What could you suggest as a good single player action game with melee and maybe a dash of spellcasting/“powers” ? It can be TPS or FPS
Although it should (here comes the nitpicking) :
- not be a stealth game or stealth-adjacenr like Assassin’s Creed or Shadow Of Mordor
- not be a souls-like (I play for fun, not to puke blood)
- have health regen (at least out of combat) or any mean to heal without having to look after potions or food while out of combat
If possible a good story would be a major plus, but it doesn’t need to be The Witcher level of good. And I’m more than fine with AA games, or older games as long as the art direction is nice.
EDIT: thanks for the suggestions, I realize I should have mentionned the “similar” games I’ve already played :
- The Witcher trilogy
- Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
- Dragon’s Dogma
- God Of War (liked the combat, not the difficulty)
- Darksiders
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 video game)
- Hunted: The Demon’s Forge
- Vermintide (even though it’s not single player, but great game)
I really enjoyed Ys VIII (“Lacromosa of Dana”), if you can tolerate the kind of anime-ish story. It’s an action RPG. It’s not especially immersive (very game-y), but it’s got pretty good level design, and the combat is pretty fun, if not particularly challenging (a little button-mashy).
Thanks, I’m not a big fan of anime and this one looks like “over the top” anime ^^’
I remember seeing a ton of Ys games on GOG, the combat looks like fun though, it’s just too much “cliche” for me
I like DBZ games though, I grew up with Dragon Ball
Mount and blade bannerlord
I found God of War 2018 and Ragnarok have some similarities with the combat controls of Final Fantasy 16 except 16 is bit faster and easier. FF16 is a dark medieval fantasy. Great story super fun, grand adventure, with ok side quests. Rated M.
Sword fighting and magic a-plenty.
2 hour free demo on PS5 and PC
Thanks, I think I’ll try the demo (a good thing it still exists, even if it’s too rare)
I’ve never understood the deal with the Final Fantasy world : is it medieval fantasy ? Is it sci-fi ? Is it real-time or turn-based ? Is it dark themed or light humor ? It’s kinda all the over the place from an external point of view, but this one could do the trick
The Witcher wild hunt?
I should have mentionned I already spent 500 hours on it, but anything similar would be great in terms of gameplay (I don’t need/want ultra complex/hardcore game mechanics)
Diablo, dragon age, dynasty warriors/Hyrule warriors, monster hunter, the older lord of the rings games, vermintide 2.
The health Regen requirement doesn’t discount Skyrim if you use Health Regeneration potions/enchantments ;)
Un-modded Skyrim has health regen (even during combat) unless you turn on “survival mode” but overall it’s a much better game if you spend the first 30 hours installing mods. In particular the melee combat can be much improved with MCO and related things. Or just pick a wabbajack, I hear Tempus Maledictum is one that people like.
The Mass Effect Trilogy. And choose the melee class, don’t remember it’s name right now.
Hades is another one but rogue like game (don’t meets the health regen though).
The only Star Wars i can suggest is KOTOR, if you are ok playing old games.
If you can play Nintendo games, Zelda BoTW, TOTK or link’s awakening (2019).
And choose the melee class, don’t remember it’s name right now.
…there’s a melee class?
Do you mean Vanguard? Because it’s not so much a melee class as a shotgun class lol
Kingdom Come Deliverance Might fill most of those criteria.Its medevil with a good story, no magic. not sure about health but i remember it not being too hard
KCD had me interested at first but it seems to be really “simulation” oriented, even more so than RDR2 (need to manage health/food/sleep, craft potions just to save, …)
You can install a mod that removes the need for saviour’s schnapps. I considered it but I only learned about it when I was basically done lol
You can ignore/mitigate most of the survival mechanics in KCD. For food, I highly suggest grabbing the human dustbin perk, which lets you eat spoiled food without any downsides. Once you have that keeping fed is so easy it’s basically an afterthought. For health, there’s a healing potion that is incredibly plentiful. It doesn’t have proper health regen aside from sleeping, but I had ~30 of the healing potions by the end of the game having crafted none of them. Keep a bunch of bandages on hand as well in case you get a bleed. I only had a handful across my entire playthrough but bleeds can be annoying if you can’t just fix them with bandages. As for sleep, I encountered a need to sleep a total of like three times across a 60hr playthrough.
The combat can be difficult, but it’s far from being a soulslike.
You might like it. You also might not idk.
I see Skyrim mentioned, which is an obvious choice, but how about Oblivion? Many people forget about Skyrim’s older brother!
And honestly, I think I liked Oblivion better.
Morrowind best game imo. OpenMW is a great experience.
It seems like a good pick indeed, not as good as previous Obsidian games in terms of story from what I ve heard, but it seems good for fun combat
It was nice to get lost in for 30 hours. Beautiful scenery.
I’ve been enjoying this one!
Lunacid! It’s a short first person dungeon-crawler in which you talk to a skeleton and fight giant snails, medieval manuscript style.
Re: healing specifically, there’s checkpoint based healing and healing spells, but no passive health regen. There’s no downside to just running back to the crystals after each fight, though.
Thanks, never heard of it, I’m gonna check that