I buy $1M worth of gold. Definitely something that could be done in a day, and it’s a good investment and highly liquid.
That’s only about what twenty pounds? That actually seems pretty reasonable.
Good call! How would you even get your hands on a millions worth though? Although you could probably just buy a load of Tiffany’s stuff and resell it
I’d find a well-established shop that sells gold bullion, go there, and tell them I’d like to purchase a million dollars’ worth. Probably not the most efficient way, but it would be very fast and I think I can get by with losing a few percent of my new fortune.
Nice plan!
If you live in a city with a decent size manufacturing scene you could also absolutely buy a million dollars worth of metal from a supplier in town. Especially higher end alloys and metals
But I think it’d probably be easier to buy a million dollars worth of jewelry.
Gold jewelry doesn’t have as much inherent value as bullion, so it would be harder to sell without losing money. And in 24 hours I could easily drive to a big city for the purchase (or just book a flight with a tiny fraction of the money).
I don’t think you have to sell it though? At least not from reading the original post
But a million is also not that much. I’d imagine any jewelry store in a mall has multiple millions worth of inventory
I don’t have to sell it, but I assume I’ll want to eventually. And yeah a million isn’t really that much for a precious metal shop anyways.
It’s a lot less gold than you probably are thinking. A million doesn’t even buy you a single bar of gold like you see in the movies(400 troy ounce, 27.4 pounds, 12.4kg).
Online dealers order to house?
9am Porsche dealership, point at whatever the most expensive one in the showroom and say “I want it and I want it right now, how much? Ill bring it back for its first service tomorrow but I want to drive it out right now” drive it straight to the Audi dealership and repeat at the BMW dealership, if I have enough money and time left, head to the Honda dealership and grab a Type R.
The following day, drive the cars back to the dealership, say “I know I’m going to take a loss but I’ve changed my mind. Can you buy the car back?”
Probably wind up with about $700,000 and I’m not taking back the Type R.
My partner is not an artist, but he could paint something on some nice paper in a few minutes. Buy a frame, give him the rest of the $1mil, proudly display the piece in our house. I trust him to use that money well.
This is genius!!! If he’s not willing to do it I selflessly offer to help you for a 10%. But only because I’m altruistic
Ah… Brewster’s Gambit. A classic move.
Medical debt. Just buy up as many people’s medical debt as I can.
Your halo is in the mail.
This is fucking brilliant! I’m in the UK so not to rub it in, but we have the NHS…
So? Buy delinquent credit card debt.
You know… there’s an old movie about just this topic called “brewster’s millions”
How many school lunch bills can be paid with that?
Or tuition for how many community college students?
Go to all the dealerships in my town and buy up as much inventory as possible. You can purchase the cars that day and pay cash in full but you won’t receive them for a while. While you wait you have a few days to weeks to coordinate with as many groups as possible to “give” those cars to families in need assuming they can cover the cost of insurance for that vehicle.
142,858 pints
Why no houses? I’m sure I could find a house that they could sign over that day if I paid the whole million in cash. It’d be a shithole anyway, if it’s only a million bucks.
I guess I could buy a million dollars worth of shares in something that will likely go up by a few cents if not a few dollars the next day, so I could immediately sell the shares and would have more than 1 million.
Is this a “Brewster’s Millions” scenario, where it has to be wasted, or do you just have to buy a bunch of crap?
Also, I’m presuming you aren’t counting time for the check/etc to clear. Otherwise, very few of us could ever even conceivably make that level of transaction.
Stocks are currently T+1, meaning the trade does not finalize until the next day.
In my country they’re finalized immediately
Move to this guy’s country, buy stocks
How do you day trade in your country?
For the most part, the only real restriction is that you have to have cash on hand to settle any purchases that day regardless of any sales. The next day all the transactions settle and you can continue. So you just have to keep a larger cash reserve if you’re going to do a lot of swing trading.
Some brokers are more flexible with that and will cover you as long as your trades don’t put your cash in the negative, but that’s up to the broker to manage the risk of a failed transaction.
Or so I understand it.
1 million dollars… worth of pudding.
I like your style. You could travel through the city bestowing pudding on everyone
There’s basically nothing I could buy and have it delivered in the same day anywhere near that amount unless you count stocks or something.
My first instinct was solar and battery for the house, electric car, new tractor, farm supplies, and home improvement (japanese houses aren’t great and I would basically gut and rebuild my house as a net zero at least passivhaus).
I would buy myself a nice camera and several lenses (easy $200K right there), a new phone, and a new car. I would then donate the rest to the local homeless shelter.
Donating really doesn’t feel like it adheres to the spirit of the question tbh. Frankly I bet if I had a solid 24 hours during the standard work week and a million in cash, I could get a home sale closed, though. Without mortgages, as a buyer I can skip inspections insurance etc and I’m fairly sure it could be done.
That’s a good idea, but could the solicitors do their side? Although for 25k I bet you they’d find a way
200k on camera and lenses must be for some really exotic stuff? What do you have in mind? Sony A1-2 + all the lenses on the first page of G lenses only got me to 90k. And thats a crapload of useless lenses given you can’t really carry 15 lenses everywhere with you?
Stocks, crypto, favors, etc
Favours, of course! Genius
But you have to say it like Tom Papa - “sexual favooors”