So I wanted a copy of the board game Carcassonne as it’s a game I’ve played with friends before and loved. For things like this I (like many others) would gravitate towards Amazon.
But after some research I found that my local board game cafe sells copies of the game cheaper than anywhere online. Yesterday I popped by, grabbed a copy and had a nice chat with the owner about the game and their favourite expansions. This was a significantly better experience than buying the game online from a soulless corporation, and my money has gone to an great local company rather than a billionaire. Why did we give up the joy of shopping locally and in-person for convenience?
Similarly I was looking out for a black denim jacket in my size. Instead of going to a big clothing retailer I checked out some charity shops, and I found exactly what I wanted for a fraction of the price with the money going towards charity.
Going forward I’m going to avoid Amazon and any big American companies wherever possible. Hopefully others will do the same :)
Slightly different example but i needed an apple peeler not too long ago for a large batch of apples we received
I went on a search on the internet for a peeler but all the results are these apple peelers with springs and thin painted metal (or even PLASTIC peelers). I remembered as a kid working on an orchard they had these cast iron presses and peelers they had been using for literally a century
Went to an antique mall and scooped up a REAL peeler like these. Supported a local business. Got a TOOL that will last a lifetime
Now that’s a peeler :D
Damn if I seen one of those in an antique store I wouldn’t know what in the hell it was lol
They look like torture devices lol
I swear to you, my first thought was “an Apple peeler? Why would Apple make peelers? Do they have Bluetooth or Wi-Fi?”