Ruzzia is one of Drumphs third world shitholes. Everyone squats over a latrine pit outside of Moscow and St Petersburg. They have the worst food in the world and all the men are addicted to anti-freeze vodka. The greatest cause of death is self immolation because the fuckers won’t stop smoking everywhere and even their own women loathe them because they’re all trying to marry western men. It’s a grey country full of corruption and racism. In the last 4 centuries they have had maybe half a dozen decent writers and musicians. And somehow, Pootang the Tiny thinks they need to export their “culture” LOL
Ruzzia is one of Drumphs third world shitholes. Everyone squats over a latrine pit outside of Moscow and St Petersburg. They have the worst food in the world and all the men are addicted to anti-freeze vodka. The greatest cause of death is self immolation because the fuckers won’t stop smoking everywhere and even their own women loathe them because they’re all trying to marry western men. It’s a grey country full of corruption and racism. In the last 4 centuries they have had maybe half a dozen decent writers and musicians. And somehow, Pootang the Tiny thinks they need to export their “culture” LOL
fuck off, traditional Russian food is excellent. You just have the palate of a child.
Name one
Stroganoff, Bigos, Borscht
Bigos is originally Polish AFAICT
Borscht is originally Polish and/or Ukranian AFAICT
All three are delicious.
Guess what Ukraine was during the time these were created.
If you refer to 16th century Kyiv (earliest source in the article), then part of Poland.
Btw, Beef Stroganoff was probably invented by a French guy. Wodka originated in Poland as well.
What’s left is dried fish with Kvass. Bon appetit!
Nah what’s left is you’re kind of a fucking moron.
You have the tastes of an orc then, Yuri. And you can fuck right off too, you vile, rude pig !