I’m telling y’all this worked wonders for me. The other day I was feeling like shit and was convinced everything’s fucked and I’m fucked and was going down a doom spiral and then I just went on a walk and sat in silence by a creek in the woods for a while and listened to/ observed my thoughts and then I got up and was like “huh. I’m okay now.”
I spend most of my time off work ranging the Florida swamps. This spot was hell to get in and out of, but my god, peace.
For the love of god people, get OUT. Look on Google maps and find the wildest place nearby, go there.
Seriously, just a little effort spent on a garden and on re-introducing native plants has been huge for me.
I think it’s important to spend time in wild spaces (backpacking is great for this), but since home is where we spend most of our time, bringing nature into the backyard is huge for daily exposure. I work from home, so whenever I feel like I’ve been staring at screens for too long, I head out to the pollinator garden for a reset.
For me, it’s a combination veggie/pollinator/re-wilding source. The potatoes are going absolutely nuts, while everything else is kinda trundling along. The California poppies are doing okay, I think the soil might be a little too good for them (most CA natives thrive on too much sun, too little water, and a lot of hate and neglect, to the point that hitting them with synthetic fertilizer will outright kill many of them), but they’re starting to flower, so I’m looking forward to redistributing their seeds to some other untended beds in the area. Also taking over an abandoned Greenway with some mammoth sunflowers. If the city doesn’t like it, maybe they can put something there besides bald dirt.
Man I fucking miss being mobile. I’ve been bedridden for two years now and I miss the outside beauty so much.
I get by by watching nature documentaries lol.
(I was backcountry skiier and loved mountaineering so the contrast hits hard lol)
That really sucks. I hope that someday soon you’ll be able to enjoy it again. If you don’t have some already, maybe having some indoor plants could brighten things up. Best of wishes to you
I long for coffee in front of a puzzle at my chalet. But kid’s sports are the thing right now. I’m trying to make the most of it but I’m still fucking due.
Don’t show this to Australians
Yeah nah, we’ve got better neighbours. I’ll take brown snakes and funnel webs over bears and moose… And Americans.
Which Americans?
The uhh “United” ones.
Good luck finding those.
Now, if you referring to the ones from 'murica, we have something to agree on.
Yeah, the “freedom” people.
Just reverse it lol
I know we’re in a meme thread, but I’d rather bring more of the surrounding nature into our urban environments.
I saw a murder of crows the other day being assholes to a pair of ducks. Ruined my mood.
Crows are typically chill and highly intelligent. Can’t say the same for ducks.
Meh, I know plenty of ducks. They probably had it coming.
Abandon society. Return to monke.
We are not meant to be sedentary creatures. We are evolved to go out and about. I think the development of agriculture and cities made us lazier, as we no longer require to hunt and gather foods.
But on the on the other hand, it can be argued that since we have more leisure time as a result of agriculture, we have more time to think of conceptual ideas like science and philosophy-- things that we can’t do without in modern society.
Not a fan of being out in nature, personally, at least not actual nature as opposed to like an urban park with deliberately laid out trees and flowers or something. I find city downtown areas more comforting. I imagine the bugs and forest creatures probably don’t particularly miss having one more human stomping around their habitat though.
Whatever works. As long as you’re getting outside it’s a win
That might depend on where you call home. I used to live in VT where you couldn’t step outside without something (blackflies, mosquitos, midges, deerflies, horseflies) trying to take a bite out of you. But now I live in CO, and generally speaking most of the American West is an absolute joy to be outside in. You can just sit down on the ground in a forest and be at peace.
I mean, it’s only during part of the year that you have to deal with those.
Right, but it’s the same part of the year that you’re able to hike, bike, and garden.
Best to not get like the 1st panel in the first place. Stay healthy