At Tennocon, DE mentioned that they would be making some QOL changes to warframe like pets no longer permanently dying and auto-melee. Are there any other QOL changes that you would like to see added to the game?
Being able to see if the prime parts are a part of a something ive already made/mastered in the ducats vendor.
Can’t tell you how many times ive had to exit out of the shop, open my profile, and search search for the weapon to see if its ok for me to sell its parts.
Not the biggest issue probably, but its kinda irritating.
Foundry ready to build tab is the problem for me. “Did I master that frame or do I need to build this part…?”
The ability to pin inventory items so I can’t accidentally sell them.
I have a few prime sets in my inventory I’d like to safekeep. After a long day of cracking relics, I just want an easy way to sell everything else.
Yeah like Destiny 2’s “lock” option
I want to be able to put forma per load out, instead of it applying to all load outs.
Fast travel in iron wake… Cmon, this place exists, DE
Fast travel to baro when he arrives.
Also, why can’t each MR give a Warframe slot? Yeah, that.
Fortuna rework to make the grind less tideous (or just remove fortuna, both work for me).
Treat duviri as an open world, saving all the drops you got in duviri, even if you quit out
I hope they touch on Fortuna/Vox Solaris standing with their “Optimizing Grindwalls” point, Toroid farming was a pain back when I originally completed it (I remember abort farming Debt Bonds if the first stage was a quick mission, so it wasn’t too bad when I did Fortuna).
As for Forma, I would like either Universal Forma or the ability to reforma a slot for an extra polarity. This would definitely help with my hoarding problem when I have multiple builds that can’t fit on the same weapon/warframe.
Ability to display certain ability duration/buffs near the aiming reticule (something like what Harrow gets for his healing caused during Peneace) so I don’t have to constantly keep looking to the bottom right or top right. With how many Arcanes we have that rely on procing/have CDs and how often Warframes have some buffs that need constant maintenance this would be massive help to reduce the eye strain while using those.
Just general buff icon customization, please and thank you. I keep losing my buffs among the cluster all at the top of the screen. I keep losing track of the timer on my buffs. I keep forgetting which symbol is which.
It would be nice if I could make the buffs that come from me colored different than the ones that come from allies, and if I could toggle whether the name is always displayed, displayed then fades, or if the name or icon of certain buffs just never displays at all.
It might mean they need to figure out how to even parse such a huge list, though…
Not having to put in my password for every login on PC
I’d probably be lazy and bind some random words + numbers to num pad and use it as a “pin” to enter passwords. At least then I could log in quickly with only a few key presses instead of needing to retype a longer password because I made a typo and have no idea where it happened. It still doesn’t solve accidently entering a password somewhere else if you weren’t paying attention to where your cursor was focused.
*And I know GW2 has come up as an example a few times before with being able to write a script to automatically log in.
Favorite items in arsenal, and then they show on top of lists.
I have a ton of old Prime parts and similar stuff other players might want to buy but I got totally burned out on the absolute garbage trading experience (MR30, probably traded 8-10k worth of platinum over the years).
I know DE will never build a trade hub (let alone an auction house) but c’mon at least an API to pull my inventory would let or another third party do SO much more. Why do I have to list each item individually and do the stupid dance of chatting a player and loading into a dojo? The necessary data is already there to streamline this, DE just won’t let anyone use it.
I find the Helminth to be very clunky with how little capacity it has for stored resources and the amount of resources consumed after an infusion or removing an archon shard, it feels like you can only do one thing at a time before needing to feed it again.
I would like to see an increase in the total amount of a resource that can be stored or an efficiency mechanic reducing how much on a resource is used when infusing an ability, scaling the total amount of resource storage/efficiency off of consumed Warframes.Mission wise, I would like the ability to offset damage numbers done by weapons or have its own dedicated info stream. In the Division 2, you have the option change how your damage numbers are displayed, instead of spawning where your bullets hit, you can have them spawn off to the side somewhat similar to how Harrows Thurible displays energy generated.
Seeing all level drops when I hit tab without having to scroll, or being able to scroll while holding tab, or having the most recent drop be at the top.
host migration being more fluid. I have decent internet and wouldnt mind hosting every game I play since other folks tend to have shoddy Internet.
It was actually pretty nice back when you could opt into being host for Railjack depending on where you started the mission from. Being able to opt-out of being host would also be nice for something like Sanctuary where I’m probably only going to spend a couple rounds and don’t want to force the lobby to migrate just because I’m done leveling my gear.
Really wish you could set a preference for if you like to host or not. Like you pick between ‘pro hosting’(you get priority for hosting), ‘anti hosting’(you get negative priority for hosting), and neutral.
If there are multiple people with pro hosting selected, then it picks between them and leaves the antis and neutrals out. If there are no pro hosts in the group it picks neutrals over antis.
As someone who plays on a potato powered toaster, you have no idea how much I wish I could just opt out of hosting.
As a Gyre player, killing my 60s and 70s buffs and needing to recast them and build up their timers again due to a host migration can be lethal. Drives me up the wall every time.
i don’t have enough networking experience to know what’s going on or how to fix it, but surely it can be better than it is.
i have fiber Internet on a PC that has way more resources than Warframe needs, it would be nice if i could enable a setting that lets my game prepare to take over host if the original host dips.
The host would have to send you everyone’s state all the time (or everyone would have to send to both you and the host). So it’s not just your resources.
I bet the game sends out actions and what time they happened, and every now and again it sends everyone’s complete state, and the new host replays all the actions that happened from the most recent checkpoint in order to get the current official game state. So the reason it takes so long is to get everyone reconnected and for the new host to fast forward from the most recent checkpoint until it’s at the current state and (maybe) for everyone to send any more actions that weren’t synced yet.
And so a reason we miss active skills would be because they aren’t synced.
i get that but like idk… host migration is a pain and I wish it were better.
Umm… Press K? Not sure if it was the default binding, but there’s a key for showing mission progress
thats a custom binding, plus tab lets me control my character while its up.
I usually hit P and type a few letters but I get it, 1) I’m PC, 2) I wouldn’t have to do that if it had a smaller grid cell per item or if it were sorted smarter or something
Since spacebar is always a positive answer to equip relics, leave relay, etc…and Y is for quick chiper. I would like to have more hotkeys like this, for example there would be nice to have L to leave squad instantly after extraction and R to repeat mission which would work only on the endgame screen, or another button. Some might ask why would I be this lazy but to those I have just one question. Do you really enjoy manually leaving the squad and pressing repeat mission after when cracking random relics in exterminate/capture/rescue?
Chat windows that persist through host migrations, crashes, and logouts. Players that have messaged me or vice versa appearing in Recent without having to play a game with them. Messaging players in Clan/Friends/Recent who are “Playing” without inviting them + waiting for them to finish or screenshotting their name and alt-tabbing back and forth to type out /w ‘mYn4mEhAs sPaCeS “4Nd qUoTeS”’. Copying ingame text and following links with an external site warning like what Discord has (disable it in trade chat if that’s really a problem, in fact just disable trade chat on PC by default). Cross-platform friend invites.