And what skills or modifiers do you get?

  • Count Regal Inkwell
    1 year ago

    Trait - AuDHD

    You have permanent disadvantage on checks that involve reading the tone of conversations or reading the room. The unwritten norms of society elude you.

    Once per short rest you may roll a flat DC10 check to enter Hyperfixation. If you attempt this in combat, it counts as a Bonus Action, but failing the roll will end your turn, even if you haven’t moved or taken a regular action yet.

    While in Hyperfixation:

    • You have advantage on checks to a chosen hyperfixation skill
    • Concentration checks for spells succeed automatically
    • Any status effects applied to you get ignored for the moment being and “saved up”

    Hyperfixation lasts for two hours out of combat. In combat, you re-roll the flat check each time you take damage. Once you drop out of it, you don’t act on your next turn due to bafflement and confusion from dropping out. The spells you were concentrating on dissipate, and any status effects you’d ignored during your hyperfixation gets applied to you.