Current progress on my 6 month distro challenge with Fedora, I added a network module to polybar to show connection status. all my dotfiles are available on my GitHub

  • redimk
    48 months ago

    That’s so cool, how do you personalize it like that?

    I’ve been using Fedora for a month (I just started using Linux a month and a half), and I can’t seem to find a way to do it.

    • CaleOP
      28 months ago

      I suggest sticking to your current desktop environment for a while to become more familiar with a Linux environment before exploring standalone window managers. They require more effort and configuration to customize, which can be challenging for newcomers to Linux. However, if you’re still interested, you can find my dotfiles for this on my GitHub. I also found this helpful article and YouTube playlist on installing and configuring BSPWM. Feel free to reach out to me via private message if you decide to try BSPWM or have any questions; I can share my Discord with you.

    • CaleOP
      28 months ago

      Basically just pick a distro and use it for 6 months without hopping

        58 months ago

        With this level of customization it looks like you’re really just doing a package manager challenge though.

          28 months ago

          I mean, if this is a package manager challenge then a distro is just a package manager

          And in a lot of ways, it kind of is - now that most distros are using systemd and most distros have all the same stuff in the repos, a distro - in the sense of how different they feel to use - is basically just swapping package managers.

          (Distro maintainers, don’t misunderstand! You folks do way more than just zip up a package manager! Your work is crazy hard and we appreciate you!)

          So if a distro is more than just the package manager, what would that mean:

          1. Default desktop env; obv a big one for Fedora since RH drives both Fedora and Gnome;
          2. Community; another big one for Fedora since it has one and it’s a pretty great one
          3. …? Idk this isn’t like an essay I had planned, I can’t think of anything else off the top of my head ;)

          Point one, yes, OP has betrayed the spirit of Fedora because Gnome isn’t featured in the screenshot - but if we didn’t know better, there’s not actually much in the screenshot that can’t be done in Gnome

          Point 2: any time you’re using a smaller-community WM or DE, yes, you’re going to have to reach beyond the distro’s community - but for a lot of stuff, you’re still in the Fedora community;

          Point 2.5 - and, when posting screens to unixporn communities, the F is what matters; it’s representation, it’s demonstrating what’s possible, it’s showing that Fedora is a viable choice for new ricers that aren’t aware that you can rice any distro; and - maybe most important - it’s cool - OP is literally improving fedora’s reputation by posting something awesome that uses it

          This isn’t a comment to argue, it’s meant as a discussion - what would make it more fedora-ish and less of a package manager challenge?

  • Alex
    38 months ago

    Looks so nice! I’d actually use that setup.

    • CaleOP
      38 months ago

      the original is here but i rounded the corners in Gimp to match the corners of my windows and polybar and that version is here

  • smoof
    28 months ago

    I recommend btops with bspwm for workspace naming.

  • Raccoonn
    18 months ago

    I gave bspwn a try a while back, but never stuck with it. Recently been thinking about giving it another try. Any advice you could give to someone who’s primarily been using XFCE for the most part…